- Player is now able to get information ablout the last death location of his/her character (needs permission).
- Player can get information of the last death location if needed by using
(needs permission). - Player can teleport to the last death location by clicking on the death location info message or with the command
(needs permission). - Player can teleport to the other player's last death location by using
/deathtp [player]
(needs permission). - Player can kill his/her character.
– kills the character;
– tells the last death location (it is saved in the file DeathUtils/death_coordinates.yml);
– deals damage to the Damageble entities (Usage: /damage [has_source]);
– teleports the player to the last death location of the specified player, if specified. Else – to the own one.
(Usage: /deathtp [player]
In config.yml now you can list all of your worlds and their names in death and /remember
messages will be represented respectively with what you have specified.
If the world name is not specified, there will be world folder name in the death message instead.
– if the player can see their death location info on death (Default: op);
– if the player can use /remember command to see their last death location info (Default: op);
– if the player can use /suicide command (Default: true);
– if the player can use /damage command (Default: op);
– if the player can use /deathtp command (Default: op);
– if the player can use /deathtp command to teleport to the other player's last death location (Default: op).
There might be futher updates for the plugin, e.g. graves.