Releases: DanikVitek/DeathUtils
Death Utils 1.3.1
Nothing new added. Minor changes.
Permissions are now stored in a separate enum file
Death Utils 1.3
command added
Usage: /deathtp [player]
player is optional, teleports you to other player's last death location
deathutils.command.deathtp – if the player can use /deathtp
(Default: op);
deathutils.command.deathtp.to_others – If the player can use /deathtp
command to teleport to other players' death locations
If the player has permission deathutils.command.deathtp, the text of the death message and /remember
command result become clickable and the player teleports to the last death location after clicking.
Death Utils 1.2
command was added
Usage: /damage <target> <amount> [has_source]
must be an instance of the Damagable entity
>= 0
optional has_source
means the target will be hit by the command sender if true
permission: deathutils.command.damage
if the player can use /damage
Death Utils v1.1.1
Fixed that if there are no world specification in config.yml
, death message will have world folder name instead.
Death Utils 1.1
v1.1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'