This repository contains a Verilog implementation of a Synchronous FIFO (First-In-First-Out) design, along with a UVM (Universal Verification Methodology) testbench for comprehensive verification. The FIFO design provides a reliable data storage mechanism with synchronous read and write operations, while the UVM testbench ensures the functional correctness and performance of the design.
EDA Playground link : FIFO_UVM_TB
FIFO Block Diagram
- Synchronous FIFO Design: A robust synchronous FIFO design is implemented in Verilog, offering efficient data storage and retrieval capabilities.
- UVM Testbench: A comprehensive UVM testbench is developed to thoroughly verify the FIFO design under various scenarios.
- Simulation Environment: The testbench is designed to work with popular simulators, enabling easy integration into different simulation environments.
Simulation Waveforms
- Verilog Simulator (e.g., ModelSim, VCS, Questa)
- UVM Framework
- Common : This directory houses essential files that are shared and utilized across the entire testbench.
- Design : Contains the Verilog file for FIFO implementation
- Testbench : Within the testbench directory, you'll find a collection of UVM test files, each serving a specific purpose in thoroughly testing the FIFO implementation.
- Images : Contains the images used in this readme file.
Feel free to explore these directories to gain insights into the project's architecture and components.
TODO: Update readme