Vue 3 adaptive skeleton loading component that will match your typography.
npm install vue-skeletor -S
Skeletons are used to mimic how the real content would look, so in order to create nice skeleton you would have to manually create squares, circles and position/size them to match your real component and keep it updated whenever you change it.
Aww sounds awful isn't it?
Wouldn't be nice if you had a skeleton that automatically adjusts to your existing components layout? I think it would =) so the Vue Skeletor comes to rescue.
Instead of creating separate skeleton components you can inject skeletons directly into your existing components.
<div class="post">
<div class="post__image">
<!-- A simple 200px height rect which mimics the post image -->
<Skeletor v-else-if="isPostLoading" height="200"/>
<div class="post__title">
<template v-if="post">
{{ post.title }}
<Skeletor v-else-if="isPostLoading">
<div class="post__text">
<template v-if="post">
{{ post.text }}
<template v-else-if="isPostLoading">
<!-- Creating 5 skeletons that mimics the text -->
<Skeletor v-for="i in 5">
And that's it, the text skeletons will automatically catch up with the styles you defined for the title and text elements.
First import the Skeletor styles
import 'vue-skeletor/dist/vue-skeletor.css';
Option 1 - Register Locally
// SomeComponent.vue
import { Skeletor } from 'vue-skeletor';
export default {
components: { Skeletor }
Option 2 - Register Globally
// main.js
import { Skeletor } from 'vue-skeletor';
app.component(, Skeletor);
<!-- And use in your <template> or JSX -->
<Skeletor />
If you want you can globally turn off the shimmer animation using the Skeletor Plugin usage.
// Import the plugin
import VueSkeletor from 'vue-skeletor';
// Register plugin in your vue app
app.use(VueSkeletor, {
shimmer: false,
When you install skeletor as Plugin it provides
global config to your app and you get access to 'useSkeletor' composable which will inject the skeletor
config object through which you can set any global config at runtime.
// Import the composable
import { useSkeletor } from 'vue-skeletor';
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
// In your setup function use the composable
const skeletor = useSkeletor();
// Set the shimmer config
skeletor.shimmer = false;
: number | string
<!-- Both are same and evaluate to 100px -->
<Skeletor width="100"/>
<Skeletor :width="100"/>
<!-- Any valid css value for width property -->
<Skeletor width="50%">
Width of your skeleton, can be a number or css string value.
: number | string
<!-- Both are same and evaluate to 100px -->
<Skeletor height="100"/>
<Skeletor :height="100"/>
<!-- Any valid css value for width property -->
<Skeletor height="50%">
Height of your skeleton, can be a number or css string value.
When you set height, your skeleton automatically becomes a rect with display: block
meaning it will no longer adapt to your typography, which is useful for
creating non text block level skeletons like image placeholders, buttons, and e.t.c.
: number | string
<!-- Creates a 100x100 square -->
<Skeletor size="100"/>
Size sets both width
& height
to simplify creating square/circle shapes
: boolean (default: false)
<!-- Creates a 50x50 circle -->
<Skeletor circle size="50"/>
As the name suggest it just turns the element into a circle, use only when width
& height
or size is set.
: boolean (default: false)
<Skeletor width="200" height="50" pill/>
Makes rectangular skeletons fully rounded, useful when creating rounded button or chip and e.t.c shapes.
: boolean
<Skeletor :shimmer="false"/>
Optionally you can turn off/on specific skeleton's shimmer animation, it is based of your global config, if you disable shimmer globally, then this prop should be set accordingly.
: string (default: 'span')
<Skeletor :size="100" as="div"/>
By default skeletons are rendered as span
tags, but you can change it
using this prop.
Skeletor uses bem classes, that you can use to override your skeletons color and shimmer animation and you have the full control over how your skeletons look, there is no need for any javascript api for this in my opinion.
/* Static background */
.vue-skeletor {
background-color: #ccc;
If you have theme switching in your app for example
from light to dark, you can target skeletons under
some global theme class or attribute e.g.
[data-theme="dark"] .vue-skeletor {
background: #363636;
Text skeleton
By default skeletor uses fully rounded style for text
type skeletons, you can change that as you like
.vue-skeletor--text {
/* Completely square style skeletons */
border-radius: 0;
/* Shimmer */
.vue-skeletor:not(.vue-skeletor--shimmerless):after {
Change the shimmer color, its a simple 90 deg
linear horizontal gradient, adjust it however
you like.
background: linear-gradient(
rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,
rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%,
rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%
/* Change any css keyframes animation property */
animation-duration: 2s;
animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
/* ... */
Or implement your custom shimmer css animation
if you want it's pure css no magic happening =)
/* Default keyframes used in skeletor */
@keyframes shimmer {
100% {
transform: translateX(100%);