A simple app that lets you manage an employe database with only a series of steps in the command line.
- Technologies Used
- NPM modules Used
- Features
- Installation
- Screenshot
- Demo
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Tech 1 - JavaScript
- Tech 2 - Node.js
- Inquirer
- Chalk
- Console.table
- figlet
- validator
Ready Features:
- Allows the user to view all the departments in the database
- Allows the user to view all the roles in the database
- Allows the user to view all the employees in the database
- Allow the user to view employees by their correspondent department
- Allows the user to view total department budgets:
- Allow the user to add a department to the database:
- Allow the user to add roles to the database:
- Allow the user to add employees to the database:
Allows the user to update employees role:
Allows the user to update employees manager:
Allows the user to delete departments in the database:
Allows the user to delete roles in the database:
Allows the user to delete employees in the database:
To use this project, Please use:
npm install
Project is: in progress
Room for improvement:
To do:
- Add a GUI