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This is backend application serves as an MVP Wallet Service. It utilizes an express server which implements an API that enables users; create an account, own a wallet, transfer funds to other users, and withdraw funds directly to their bank accounts.


The api consists of two collections the user routes and the fund routes.

User Routes

The user routes facilitates, creating a user account, logging in and logging out a user, generating a payment link for users to fund their account, and user wallet debit.

User Routes API Documentation

Fund Routes

The fund routes facilitates, a user transfering funds to other users, a user's withdrawal to their bank account, and user wallet credit.

Fund Routes API Documentation

Payment Services

On the main branch Flutterwave was incoporated, here is a link to their Documentation.

Flutterwave API Documentation

On the develop branch Paystack was incoporated, here is a link to their Documentation.

Paystack API Documentation

Entity-Relationship Diagram

E-R Diagram

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add a .db.env file and an .env file.

For the .db.env file add the following environment variables:

MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD this is the root password for your MySQL database.

MYSQL_DATABASE this is whatever name you wish to call your database.

MYSQL_USER this is whatever name of the intended user of the database.

MYSQL_PASSWORD this is the password for said user to login.

MYSQL_HOME this is the path to the directory in which the server-specific my.cnf file resides.

For the .env file add the following environment variables:

JWT_SECRET this is your secret used for token generation

ROOT_URL this is the base url of your app for example http://locahost:3100 or the link of your deployed app.

DATABASE the same value as MYSQL_DATABASE in your .db.env.

DB_USER the same value as MYSQL_USER in your .db.env.

DB_PASSWORD the same value as MYSQL_PASSWORD in your .db.env.

DB_HOST what host your database will connect through.

DB_PORT the same value as the port exposed from docker.

DB_DIALECT the dialect you wish communicate with your database.

LD_RUN_PATH used to specify the location of

FLW_SECRET_KEY the same as your secret api key gotten from your flutterwave dashboard.

Add these if you wish to work with paystack's api instead on the develop branch

PAYSTACK_SECRET_KEY the same as your secret api key gotten from your paystack dashboard.

Run Locally

To run this project you must have docker desktop installed and running on your local machine. You will also need to create an account with flutterwave or paystack, depending on what you want to work with, in other to get your api keys.

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd Lendsqr-Test

Install dependencies

  yarn install

Start the server

  yarn start


  yarn dev

to start the server in development mode

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  yarn test


This project was deployed on heroku. Here is the link to the base url. Check the documentation to get an overview and details of it's use cases.

NB: The above link may no longer function after 28/11/2022 as heroku are changing their payment plans. This read me shall be updated with the new base url if the former is the case. Or feel free to deploy it yourself.



An MVP Wallet Service






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