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Docker Zeppelin

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Docker image for starting Apache Zeppelin.

How to build the container

Note: Must run binary command with Java version 8 installed.

# Download dependencies
./build download --zeppelin_version=v0.8.2 --spark_version=2.4.3 --hadoop_version=2.7

# Build binaries
./build binary --zeppelin_version=v0.8.2 --spark_version=2.4.3 --hadoop_version=2.7

# Build docker container
./build docker --repo=${DOCKER_NAMESPACE:-datascienceplatform}/zeppelind --commit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)

All: Download, build binary dependencies and build the container

./build all --zeppelin_version=v0.8.2 --spark_version=2.4.3 --hadoop_version=2.7


You can either start the image directly with Docker, or use the Nomad-Docker-Wrapper if you are running your containers on Nomad.

There are now 2 options for running Zeppelin; multi-user or single-user mode. If you wish to test the SSSD integration you will need to run the sssd container which is explained in the sssd project documentation. You need to share a volume /var/sssd/{{id}}/var/lib/sss/pipes:/var/lib/sss/pipes:rw on both the zeppelin container and the sssd container. Start the sssd container prior to starting the zeppelin container.

# Multi-user login
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
  -e ZEPPELIN_MEM="-Xmx1024m" \
  -e ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_STORAGE=org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.repo.GitNotebookRepo \
  -e ZEPPELIN_PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python \
  -e ZEPPELIN_SPARK_MASTER="local[*]" \
  -e ZEPPELIN_PASSWORD="secret" \
  -e ZEPPELIN_USER_TYPE=multiuser \
  -v $(pwd)/notebooks:/usr/local/zeppelin/notebooks \
  -v $(pwd)/conf:/usr/local/zeppelin/conf \
  -v $(pwd)/hive:/hive \
  -t pactosystems/zeppelind:f9d604cf-zv0.8.2-s2.4.3-h2.7

# Single-user login
  docker run -p 8080:8080 \
  -e ZEPPELIN_MEM="-Xmx1024m" \
  -e ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_STORAGE=org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.repo.GitNotebookRepo \
  -e ZEPPELIN_PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python \
  -e ZEPPELIN_SPARK_MASTER="local[*]" \
  -e ZEPPELIN_PASSWORD="secret" \
  -e ZEPPELIN_USER_TYPE=singleuser \
  -v $(pwd)/notebooks:/usr/local/zeppelin/notebooks \
  -v $(pwd)/conf:/usr/local/zeppelin/conf \
  -v $(pwd)/hive:/hive \
  -t pactosystems/zeppelind:f9d604cf-zv0.8.2-s2.4.3-h2.7


The docker image requires some environment variables to be set. They are used to configure your Zeppelin.

Variable Description
ZEPPELIN_SPARK_MASTER URL of the Spark master that Zeppelin should use.
ZEPPELIN_PASSWORD Password to use for authenticating as zeppelin user on the UI.
ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_STORAGE Notebook storage to use.
ZEPPELIN_PROCESS_USER_NAME User name to execute the Zeppelin process as.
ZEPPELIN_PROCESS_USER_ID User ID to execute the Zeppelin process as.
ZEPPELIN_PROCESS_GROUP_NAME Group name to assign to the Zeppelin user.
ZEPPELIN_PROCESS_GROUP_ID Group ID to assign to the Zeppelin user.
ZEPPELIN_SERVER_PORT Port to bind the Zeppelin server to.
ZEPPELIN_SPARK_UI_PORT Port to use for the Spark UI.
ZEPPELIN_SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY Amount of memory to allocate to the Spark driver process (e.g. 512M).
ZEPPELIN_PYSPARK_PYTHON Path to python executable for the Spark worker nodes.
ZEPPELIN_MEM Zeppelin JVM Options

Travis CI/CD

These environment variables should be defined and set appropriately in your Travis CI Settings.<your travis account name>/docker-zeppelin/settings

Variable Description
DOCKER_USER Your docker ID
DOCKER_PASSWORD Password for your docker ID (make sure "display value in build log" is disabled for this env var)
DOCKER_NAMESPACE Docker namespace, where the image(s) should be pushed; usually equals to DOCKER_USER; if empty, then "datascienceplatform" (that can lead to permission issues while pushing)

SQL Database Support

SQL databases are supported trough SQLAlchemy (a python package with a comprehensive set of tools for working with databases). This container includes the following dialects:

Dialect Target DB
pymssql Microsoft SQL Server
psycopg2 PostgreSQL
cx_Oracle Oracle

Support for additional databases can be added by installing additional dialects into an anaconda environment and setting ZEPPELIN_PYSPARK_PYTHON to the environment location.

Microsoft SQL Server Example

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
conn_str = "mssql+pymssql://<User>:<Password>@<Host>:<Port>"
engine = create_engine(conn_str)
# List All DBs
res = engine.execute('SELECT * FROM master.sys.databases')
for row in res:
    print row

PostgreSQL Example

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
conn_str = "postgresql+psycopg2:///<User>:<Password>@<Host>:<Port>"
engine = create_engine(conn_str)
# List All DBs
res = engine.execute('SELECT * FROM pg_database')
for row in res:
    print row

Oracle Example

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
conn_str = "oracle+cx_oracle:///<User>:<Password>@<Host>:<Port>/<db>"
engine = create_engine(conn_str)
res = engine.execute('SELECT * FROM my_table')
for row in res:
    print row


Docker image for starting Apache Zeppelin






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  • Shell 72.1%
  • Dockerfile 27.9%