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File metadata and controls

1330 lines (742 loc) · 51 KB

Underlay Configuration

This file lists all the configuration properties available for an underlay, including defining the data mapping and the indexing and service deployment data pointers. This documentation is generated from annotations in the configuration classes.


Attribute or property of an entity.

Define an attribute for each column you want to display (e.g. condition.vocabulary_id) or filter on (e.g. conditionOccurrence.person_id).


required SZDataType

Data type of the attribute.


optional String

Field or column name in the all instances SQL file that maps to the display string of this attribute. If unset, we assume the attribute has only a value, no separate display.

A separate display field is useful for enum-type attributes, which often use a foreign-key to another table to get a readable string from a code (e.g. in OMOP, person.gender_concept_id and concept.concept_name).


optional Double

The maximum value to display when filtering on this attribute. This is useful when the underlying data has outliers that we want to exclude from the display, but not from the available data.

e.g. A person has an invalid date of birth that produces an age range that spans very large numbers. This causes the slider when filtering by age to span very large numbers also. Setting this property sets the right end of the slider. It does not remove the person with the invalid date of birth from the table. So if they have asthma, they would still show up in a cohort filtering on this condition.

The #szattributedisplayhintrangemin may be set as well, but they are not required to be set together. The #szattributeiscomputedisplayhint is also independent of this property. You can still calculate the actual maximum in the data, if you set this property.


optional Double

The minimum value to display when filtering on this attribute. This is useful when the underlying data has outliers that we want to exclude from the display, but not from the available data.

e.g. A person has an invalid date of birth that produces an age range that spans negative numbers. This causes the slider when filtering by age to span negative numbers also. Setting this property sets the left end of the slider. It does not remove the person with the invalid date of birth from the table. So if they have asthma, they would still show up in a cohort filtering on this condition.

The #szattributedisplayhintrangemax may be set as well, but they are not required to be set together. The #szattributeiscomputedisplayhint is also independent of this property. You can still calculate the actual minimum in the data, if you set this property.


optional boolean

When set to true, an indexing job will try to compute a display hint for this attribute (e.g. set of enum values and counts, range of numeric values). Not all data types are supported by the indexing job, yet.

Default value: false


optional boolean

True if the data type is repeated (e.g. an array of ints).

Default value: false


optional boolean

True if this attribute is suppressed for export (i.e. not available for selection in data feature sets).

Default value: false

required String

Name of the attribute.

This is the unique identifier for the attribute. In a single entity, the attribute names cannot overlap.

Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers. The first character must be a letter.


optional SZDataType

Data type of the attribute at runtime.

If the runtime SQL wrapper is set, this field must also be set. The data type at runtime may be different from the data type at rest when the column is passed to a function at runtime. Otherwise, the data type at runtime will always match the attribute data type, so no need to specify it again here.


optional String

SQL function to apply at runtime (i.e. when running the query), instead of at indexing time. Useful for attributes we expect to be updated dynamically (e.g. a person's age).

For a simple function call that just wraps the column (e.g. UPPER(column)), you can specify just the function name (e.g. UPPER). For a more complicated function call, put ${fieldSql} where the column name should be substituted (e.g. CAST(FLOOR(TIMESTAMP_DIFF(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), ${fieldSql}, DAY) / 365.25) AS INT64)).

Note that BigQuery disallows query caching and pagination for certain non-deterministic functions. This negatively impacts query performance and prevents certain application behaviors that we want to support. So we workaround this for certain functions (CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) commonly used in runtime SQL wrappers by replacing the function with the current date/timestamp literal at runtime. You can include these functions normally in this property; the replacement will happen automatically.


optional SZSourceQuery

How to generate a query against the source data that includes this attribute.

If unspecified and exporting queries against the source data is supported for this entity is enabled (i.e. #szentitysourcequerytablename is specified), we assume the field name in the source table (#szentitysourcequerytablename) corresponding to this attribute is the same as the #szattributevaluefieldname.


optional String

Field or column name in the all instances SQL file that maps to the value of this attribute. If unset, we assume the field name is the same as the attribute name.


Pointers to the source and index BigQuery datasets.


required String

Valid locations for BigQuery are listed in the GCP documentation.


optional List [ String ]

Comma separated list of all GCS bucket names that all export models can use. Only include the bucket name, not the gs:// prefix. Required if there are any export models that need to write to GCS.

These buckets must live in the query project specified above.

You can also specify these export buckets per-deployment, instead of per-underlay, by using the service application properties.

Example value: bq-export-uscentral1,bq-export-useast1


optional List [ String ]

Comma separated list of all BQ dataset ids that all export models can use. Required if there are any export models that need to export from BQ to GCS.

These datasets must live in the query project specified above.

You can also specify these export datasets per-deployment, instead of per-underlay, by using the service application properties.

Example value: service_export_us,service_export_uscentral1


required SZIndexData

Pointer to the index BigQuery dataset.


required String

Queries will be run in this project.

This is the project that will be billed for running queries. For the indexer, this project is also where the Dataflow jobs will be kicked off. Often this project will be the same project as the one where the index and/or source datasets live.

However, sometimes it will be different. For example, the source dataset may be a public dataset that we don't have billing access to. In that case, the indexer configuration must specify a different query project id. As another example, the source and index datasets may live in a project that is shared across service deployments. In that case, the service configurations may specify a different query project id for each deployment.


required SZSourceData

Pointer to the source BigQuery dataset.


Names of core plugins in the criteria selector and prepackaged criteria definitions.


required SZCorePlugin

Use plugin: "attribute".


required SZCorePlugin

Use plugin: "entityGroup".


required SZCorePlugin

Use plugin: "multiAttribute".


required SZCorePlugin

Use plugin: "outputUnfiltered".


required SZCorePlugin

Use plugin: "survey".


required SZCorePlugin

Use plugin: "search".


required SZCorePlugin

Use plugin: "unhinted-value".


Criteria-Occurrence entity group configuration.

Define a version of this file for each entity group of this type. This entity group type defines a relationship between three entities. For each criteria entity instance and primary entity instance, there are one or more occurrence entity instances.


required String

Name of the criteria entity.

required String

Name of the entity group.

This is the unique identifier for the entity group. In a single underlay, the entity group names of any group type cannot overlap. Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers. The first character must be a letter.


required Set [ SZCriteriaOccurrence$OccurrenceEntity ]

Set of occurrence entity configurations.

Most entity groups of this type will have a single occurrence entity (e.g. SNOMED condition code only maps to condition occurrences), but we also support the case of multiple (e.g. ICD9-CM condition code maps to condition, measurement, observation and procedure occurrences).


required SZPrimaryCriteriaRelationship

Relationship or join between the primary and criteria entities.


Relationship or join between an occurrence entity and the criteria entity (e.g. condition occurrence and ICD9-CM).


optional String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the criteria entity id. Required if the id pairs SQL is defined.

Example value: criteria_id


optional String

Attribute of the occurrence entity that is a foreign key to the id attribute of the criteria entity. If this property is set, then the id pairs SQL must be unset.


optional String

Name of the occurrence entity - criteria entity id pairs SQL file. File must be in the same directory as the entity group file. Name includes file extension. If this property is set, then the foreign key attribute must be unset.

There can be other columns selected in the SQL file (e.g. SELECT * FROM relationships), but the occurrence and criteria entity ids are required.

Example value: occurrenceCriteria.sql


optional String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the occurrence entity id. Required if the id pairs SQL is defined.

Example value: occurrence_id


Criteria selector configuration.

Define a version of this file for each set of UI plugins + configuration.


required SZCriteriaSelectorDisplay

Display information.


required String

Display name.


required String

Name of a Java class that implements the FilterBuilder interface. This class will take in the selector configuration and user selections and produce an EntityFilter on either the primary entity (for a cohort) or another entity (for a data feature).


required boolean

True if this criteria selector should be displayed in the cohort builder.


required boolean

True if this criteria selector should be displayed in the data feature set builder.


required List [ SZCriteriaSelector$Modifier ]

Configuration for modifiers.

required String

Name of the criteria selector.

This is the unique identifier for the selector. The selector names cannot overlap within an underlay.

Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers.

This name is stored in the application database for cohorts and data feature sets, so once there are artifacts associated with a criteria selector, you can't change the selector name.


required String

Name of the primary UI display plugin. (e.g. selector for condition, not any of the modifiers).

This plugin name is stored in the application database, so once there are cohorts or data features that use this selector, you can't change the plugin names.

The plugin can either be one of the core plugins (e.g. core/attribute, all possibilities are listed here, or a dataset-specific plugin (e.g. sd/biovu).


required String

Serialized configuration of the primary UI display plugin e.g. "{"attribute":"gender"}".


required String

Name of the file that contains the serialized configuration of the primary UI display plugin.

This file should be in the same directory as the criteria selector (e.g. gender.json).

If this property is specified, the value of the pluginConfig property is ignored.


required boolean

True if this criteria selector supports temporal queries.

Default value: false


Criteria selector display configuration.


required String

Category that the criteria selector is listed under when a user goes to

add a new criteria. (e.g. "Vitals")


required List [ String ]

Tags that the criteria selector should match when a user uses the dropdown in the add new

criteria page. (e.g. "Source Codes")


Criteria selector display configuration.


required String

Display name.

required String

Name of the criteria selector modifier.

This is the unique identifier for the modifier. The modifier names cannot overlap within a selector.

Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers.

This name is stored in the application database for cohorts and data feature sets, so once there are artifacts associated with a modifier, you can't change the modifier name.


required String

Name of the modifier UI display plugin. (e.g. selector for condition visit type).

This plugin name is stored in the application database, so once there are cohorts or data features that use this modifier, you can't change the plugin names.

The plugin can either be one of the core plugins (e.g. core/attribute, all possibilities are listed here, or a dataset-specific plugin (e.g. sd/biovu).


required String

Serialized configuration of the modifier UI display plugin e.g. "{"attribute":"visitType"}".


required String

Name of the file that contains the serialized configuration of the modifier UI display plugin.

This file should be in the same directory as the criteria selector (e.g. visitType.json).

If this property is specified, the value of the pluginConfig property is ignored.


required boolean

True if this modifier supports temporal queries.

Default value: false


Supported data types. Each type corresponds to one or more data types in the underlying database.


required SZDataType

Maps to BigQuery BOOLEAN data type.


required SZDataType

Maps to BigQuery DATE data type.


required SZDataType

Maps to BigQuery NUMERIC and FLOAT data types.


required SZDataType

Maps to BigQuery INTEGER data type.


required SZDataType

Maps to BigQuery STRING data type.


required SZDataType

Maps to BigQuery TIMESTAMP data type.


Properties to pass to Dataflow when kicking off jobs.


required String

Location where the Dataflow runners will be launched.

This must be compatible with the location of the source and index BigQuery datasets. Note the valid locations for BigQuery and Dataflow are not identical. In particular, BigQuery has multi-regions (e.g. US) and Dataflow does not. If the BigQuery datasets are located in a region, the Dataflow location must match. If the BigQuery datasets are located in a multi-region, the Dataflow location must be one of the sub-regions (e.g. US for BigQuery, us-central1 for Dataflow).


optional String

GCS directory where the Dataflow runners will write temporary files.

The bucket location must match the Dataflow location. This cannot be a path to a top-level bucket, it must contain at least one directory (e.g. gs://mybucket/temp/ not gs://mybucket. If this property is unset, Dataflow will attempt to create a bucket in the correct location. This may fail if the credentials don't have permissions to create buckets. More information in the Dataflow pipeline basic options documentation and other related documentation.


required String

Email of the service account that the Dataflow runners will use.

The credentials used to kickoff the indexing must have the iam.serviceAccounts.actAs permission on this service account. More details in the GCP documentation.


optional boolean

Specifies whether the Dataflow runners use external IP addresses.

If set to false, make sure that Private Google Access is enabled for the VPC sub-network that the Dataflow runners will use. More information in the Dataflow pipeline security and networking options documentation. We have seen noticeable improvements in speed of running indexing jobs with this set to false.

Default value: true


optional String

Specifies which VPC sub-network the Dataflow runners use.

This property is the name of the sub-network (e.g. mysubnetwork), not the full URL path to it (e.g. If this property is unset, Dataflow will try to use a VPC network called "default".

If you have a custom-mode VPC network, you must set this property. Dataflow can only choose the sub-network automatically for auto-mode VPC networks. More information in the Dataflow network and subnetwork documentation.

Default value: true


optional String

Machine type of the Dataflow runners.

The available options are documented for GCP Compute Engine. If this property is unset, Dataflow will choose a machine type. More information in the Dataflow pipeline worker-level options documentation.

We have been using the n1-standard-4 machine type for all underlays so far. Given that the machine type Dataflow will choose may not remain the same in the future, recommend setting this property.


Entity configuration.

Define a version of this file for each entity.


required String

Name of the all instances SQL file.

File must be in the same directory as the entity file. Name includes file extension.

Example value: all.sql


required List [ SZAttribute ]

List of all the entity attributes.

The generated index table will preserve the order of the attributes as defined here. The list must include the id attribute.


optional String

Description of the entity.


optional String

Display name for the entity.

Unlike the entity name, it may include spaces and special characters.


optional Set [ SZHierarchy ]

List of hierarchies.

While the code supports multiple hierarchies, we currently only have examples with zero or one hierarchy.


required String

Name of the id attribute.

This must be a unique identifier for each entity instance. It must also have the INT64 data type.

required String

Name of the entity.

This is the unique identifier for the entity. In a single underlay, the entity names cannot overlap.

Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers. The first character must be a letter.


optional List [ String ]

List of attributes to optimize for group by queries.

The typical use case for this is to optimize cohort breakdown queries on the primary entity. For example, to optimize breakdowns by age, race, gender, specify those attributes here. Order matters.

You can currently specify a maximum of four attributes, because we implement this using BigQuery clustering which has this limitation.


optional String

Full name of the table to use when exporting a query against the source data.

SQL substitutions are supported in this table name.

If unspecified, exporting a query against the source data is unsupported.

Example value: ${omopDataset}.condition_occurrence


optional SZTemporalQuery

How to generate a temporal query for this entity.

If unspecified, temporal queries that include this output entity are not allowed.


optional SZTextSearch

Text search configuration.

This is used when filtering a list of instances of this entity (e.g. list of conditions) by text. If unset, filtering by text is unsupported.


Group-Items entity group configuration.

Define a version of this file for each entity group of this type. This entity group type defines a one-to-many relationship between two entities. For each group entity instance, there are one or more items entity instances.


optional String

Attribute of the items entity that is a foreign key to the id attribute of the group entity.

If this property is set, then the id pairs SQL must be unset.


required String

Name of the group entity.


optional String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the group entity id.

Required if the id pairs SQL is defined.

Example value: group_id


optional String

Name of the group entity - items entity id pairs SQL file.

File must be in the same directory as the entity group file. Name includes file extension.

There can be other columns selected in the SQL file (e.g. SELECT * FROM relationships), but the group and items entity ids are required. If this property is set, then the foreign key atttribute must be unset.

Example value: idPairs.sql


required String

Name of the items entity.


optional String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the items entity id.

Required if the id pairs SQL is defined.

Example value: items_id

required String

Name of the entity group.

This is the unique identifier for the entity group. In a single underlay, the entity group names of any group type cannot overlap. Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers. The first character must be a letter.


optional SZRollupCountsSql

Pointer to SQL that returns entity id - rollup count (= number of related entity instances) pairs.


optional boolean

True to skip copying the id-pairs SQL into a new index table, and use the source SQL directly.

Ignored if the id pairs SQL is undefined.

Default value: false


Hierarchy for an entity.


required String

Name of the field or column name in the child parent id pairs SQL that maps to the child id.

Example value: child


required String

Name of the child parent id pairs SQL file.

File must be in the same directory as the entity file. Name includes file extension.

There can be other columns selected in the SQL file (e.g. SELECT * FROM relationships), but the child and parent ids are required.

Example value: childParent.sql


optional boolean

When false, indexing jobs will not clean hierarchy nodes with both a zero item and rollup counts. When true, indexing jobs will clean hierarchy nodes with both a zero item and rollup counts.

Default value: false


optional boolean

An orphan node has no parents or children. When false, indexing jobs will filter out orphan nodes. When true, indexing jobs skip this filtering step and we keep the orphan nodes in the hierarchy.

Default value: false


required int

Maximum depth of the hierarchy. If there are branches of the hierarchy that are deeper than the number specified here, they will be truncated.

optional String

Name of the hierarchy.

This is the unique identifier for the hierarchy. In a single entity, the hierarchy names cannot overlap. Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers. The first character must be a letter.

If there is only one hierarchy, the name is optional and, if unspecified, will be set to default. If there are multiple hierarchies, the name is required for each one.

Default value: default


required String

Name of the field or column name in the child parent id pairs SQL that maps to the parent id.

Example value: parent


optional String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the root id.

If the root node ids SQL is defined, then this property is required. If the root node ids set is defined, then this property must be unset.

Example value: root_id


optional Set [ Long ]

Set of root ids. Indexing jobs will filter out any hierarchy root nodes that are not in this set. If the root node ids SQL is defined, then this property must be unset.


optional String

Name of the root id SQL file. File must be in the same directory as the entity file. Name includes file extension.

There can be other columns selected in the SQL file (e.g. SELECT * FROM roots), but the root id is required. Indexing jobs will filter out any hierarchy root nodes that are not returned by this query. If the root node ids set is defined, then this property must be unset.

Example value: rootNode.sql


Pointer to the index BigQuery dataset.


required String

Dataset id of the index BigQuery dataset.


required String

Project id of the index BigQuery dataset.


optional String

Prefix for the generated index tables.

An underscore will be inserted between this prefix and the table name (e.g. prefix T will generate a table called "T_ENT_person"). The prefix may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers. The first character must be a letter. This can be useful when the index tables will be written to a dataset that includes other non-Tanagra tables.


Indexer configuration.

Define a version of this file for each place you will run indexing. If you later copy the index dataset to other places, you do not need a separate configuration for those.


required SZBigQuery

Pointers to the source and index BigQuery datasets.


required SZDataflow

Dataflow configuration.

Required for indexing jobs that use batch processing (e.g. computing the ancestor-descendant pairs for a hierarchy).


required String

Name of the underlay to index.

Name is specified in the underlay file, and also matches the name of the config/underlay sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources.

Example value: cmssynpuf


Metadata for the underlay.

Information in this object is not used in the operation of the indexer or service, it is for display purposes only.


optional String

Description of the underlay.


required String

Display name for the underlay.

Unlike the underlay name, it may include spaces and special characters.

optional Map [ String, String ]

Key-value map of underlay properties.

Keys may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers.


Occurrence entity configuration.


required Set [ String ]

Names of attributes that we want to calculate instance-level hints for.

Instance-level hints are ranges of possible values for a particular criteria instance. They are used to support criteria-specific modifiers (e.g. range of values for measurement code "glucose test").


required SZCriteriaRelationship

Relationship or join between this occurrence entity and the criteria entity (e.g. condition occurrence and ICD9-CM).


required String

Name of occurrence entity.


required SZPrimaryRelationship

Relationship or join between this occurrence entity and the primary entity (e.g. condition occurrence and person).


Prepackaged criteria configuration.


required String

Name of the criteria selector this criteria is associated with.

The criteria selector must be defined for the underlay. (e.g. The condition selector must be defined in order to define a prepackaged data feature for condition = Type 2 Diabetes.)


required String

Display name.

required String

Name of the prepackaged criteria.

This is the unique identifier for the criteria. The criteria names cannot overlap within an underlay.

Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers.

This name is stored in the application database for data feature sets, so once there are artifacts associated with a prepackaged criteria, you can't change the criteria name.


required String

Serialized data for the UI display plugin e.g. "{"conceptId":"201826"}".


required String

Name of the file that contains the serialized data for the UI display plugin.

This file should be in the same directory as the prepackaged criteria (e.g. condition.json).

If this property is specified, the value of the pluginData property is ignored.


Relationship or join between the primary and criteria entities (e.g. condition and person).


required String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the criteria entity id.

Example value: criteria_id


required String

Name of the primary entity - criteria entity id pairs SQL file. File must be in the same directory as the entity group file. Name includes file extension. There can be other columns selected in the SQL file (e.g. SELECT * FROM relationships), but the primary and criteria entity ids are required.

Example value: primaryCriteria.sql


required String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the primary entity id.

Example value: primary_id


Relationship or join between an occurrence entity and the primary entity (e.g. condition occurrence and person).


optional String

Attribute of the occurrence entity that is a foreign key to the id attribute of the primary entity. If this property is set, then the id pairs SQL must be unset.


optional String

Name of the occurrence entity - primary entity id pairs SQL file. File must be in the same directory as the entity group file. Name includes file extension. If this property is set, then the foreign key attribute must be unset.

There can be other columns selected in the SQL file (e.g. SELECT * FROM relationships), but the occurrence and primary entity ids are required.

Example value: occurrencePrimary.sql


optional String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the occurrence entity id. Required if the id pairs SQL is defined.

Example value: occurrence_id


optional String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the primary entity id. Required if the id pairs SQL is defined.

Example value: primary_id


Pointer to SQL that returns entity id - rollup count (= number of related entity instances) pairs (e.g. variant - number of people). Useful when there's an easy way to calculate these in SQL and we want to avoid ingesting the full entity - related entity relationship id pairs table into Dataflow.


required String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the entity id.

Example value: entity_id


required String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the rollup count per entity id.

Example value: rollup_count


required String

Name of the entity id - rollup counts (= number of items entity instances) pairs SQL file.

File must be in the same directory as the entity/group file. Name includes file extension.

There can be other columns selected in the SQL file (e.g. SELECT * FROM relationships), but the entity id and rollup count fields are required.

Example value: rollupCounts.sql


Service configuration.

Define a version of this file for each place you will deploy the service. If you share the same index dataset across multiple service deployments, you need a separate configuration for each.


required SZBigQuery

Pointers to the source and index BigQuery datasets.


required String

Name of the underlay to make available in the service deployment.

If a single deployment serves multiple underlays, you need a separate configuration for each. Name is specified in the underlay file, and also matches the name of the config/underlay sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources.

Example value: cmssynpuf


Pointer to the source BigQuery dataset.


required String

Dataset id of the source BigQuery dataset.


required String

Project id of the source BigQuery dataset.


optional Map [ String, String ]

Key-value map of substitutions to make in the input SQL files.

Wherever the keys appear in the input SQL files wrapped in braces and preceded by a dollar sign, they will be substituted by the values before running the queries. For example, [key] omopDataset -> [value] bigquery-public-data.cms_synthetic_patient_data_omop means ${omopDataset} in any of the input SQL files will be replaced by bigquery-public-data.cms_synthetic_patient_data_omop.

Keys may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers. This is simple string substitution logic and does not handle more complicated cases, such as nested substitutions.


Information to generate a SQL query against the source dataset for a given attribute.

This query isn't actually run by the service, only generated as an export option (e.g. as part of a notebook file).


optional String

Name of the field to use for the attribute display in the source dataset.

If unspecified, exporting a query with this attribute against the source data will not include a separate display field.

The table can optionally be specified in #szsourcequerydisplayfieldtable.

Example value: concept_name


optional String

Full name of the table to JOIN with the main table (#szentitysourcequerytablename) to get the attribute display field in the source dataset.

SQL substitutions are supported in this table name.

If unspecified, and #szsourcequerydisplayfieldname is specified, then we assume that the source display field is also in the main table, same as the source value field.

The #szsourcequerydisplayfieldtablejoinfieldname is required if this property is specified.

Example value: ${omopDataset}.concept


optional String

Name of the field in the display table (#szsourcequerydisplayfieldtable) that is used to JOIN to the main table (#szentitysourcequerytablename) using the source value field (#szsourcequeryvaluefieldname).

This is required if the #szsourcequerydisplayfieldtable is specified.

Example value: concept_id


optional String

Name of the field to use for the attribute value in the source dataset table (#szentitysourcequerytablename).

If unspecified, we assume the field name in the source table (#szentitysourcequerytablename) corresponding to this attribute is the same as the #szattributevaluefieldname.

Example value: condition_concept_id


Information to build a temporal query with this entity.


required String

Name of the attribute to use for the visit date in a temporal query.

Example value: start_date


required String

Name of the attribute to use for the visit (occurrence) id in a temporal query.

Example value: visit_occurrence_id


Text search configuration for an entity.


optional Set [ String ]

Set of attributes to allow text search on. Text search on attributes not included here is unsupported.


optional String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the entity id. If the id text pairs SQL is defined, then this property is required.

Example value: id


optional String

Name of the id text pairs SQL file. File must be in the same directory as the entity file. Name includes file extension.

There can be other columns selected in the SQL file (e.g. SELECT * FROM synonyms), but the entity id and text string is required. The SQL query may return multiple rows per entity id.

Example value: textSearch.sql


optional String

Name of the field or column name that maps to the text search string. If the id text pairs SQL is defined, then this property is required.

Example value: text


Underlay configuration.

Define a version of this file for each dataset. If you index and/or serve a dataset in multiple places or deployments, you only need one version of this file.


required Set [ String ]

List of paths of criteria-occurrence type entity groups.

A criteria-occurrence type entity group defines a relationship between three entities.

Path consists of two parts: [Data-Mapping Group]/[Entity Group Name] (e.g. omop/conditionPerson).

[Data-Mapping Group] is the name of a sub-directory of the config/datamapping/ sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. omop).

[Entity Group Name] is specified in the entity group file, and also matches the name of the sub-directory of the config/datamapping/[Data-Mapping Group]/entitygroup sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. conditionPerson).

Using the path here instead of just the entity group name allows us to share entity group definitions across underlays. For example, the omop data-mapping group contains template entity group definitions for standing up a new underlay.


required List [ String ]

List of paths of all the criteria selectors.

A criteria selector is an option for defining a filter on an entity (e.g. select a condition). It corresponds to one or more UI display plugins. (e.g. condition selector uses the entity group plugin for selecting the condition, the attribute plugin for selecting the visit type modifier, and the unhinted-value plugin for selecting the occurrence count modifier).

Path consists of two parts: [Display Group]/[Criteria Selector Name] (e.g. omop/gender).

[Display Group] is the name of a sub-directory of the config/display/ sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. omop).

[Criteria Selector Name] is specified in the selector file, and also matches the name of the sub-directory of the config/display/[Display Group]/criteriaselector sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. gender).

Using the path here instead of just the selector name allows us to share selector definitions across underlays. For example, the omop display group contains template selector definitions for standing up a new underlay.


required Set [ String ]

List of paths of all the entities.

An entity is any object that the UI might show a list of (e.g. list of persons, conditions, condition occurrences). The list must include the primary entity.

Path consists of two parts: [Data-Mapping Group]/[Entity Name] (e.g. omop/condition).

[Data-Mapping Group] is the name of a sub-directory of the config/datamapping/ sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. omop).

[Entity Name] is specified in the entity file, and also matches the name of the sub-directory of the config/datamapping/[Data-Mapping Group]/entity sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. condition).

Using the path here instead of just the entity name allows us to share entity definitions across underlays. For example, the omop data-mapping group contains template entity definitions for standing up a new underlay.


required Set [ String ]

List of paths of group-items type entity groups.

A group-items type entity group defines a relationship between two entities.

Path consists of two parts: [Data-Mapping Group]/[Entity Group Name] (e.g. omop/brandIngredient).

[Data-Mapping Group] is the name of a sub-directory of the config/datamapping/ sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. omop).

[Entity Group Name] is specified in the entity group file, and also matches the name of the sub-directory of the config/datamapping/[Data-Mapping Group]/entitygroup sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. brandIngredient).

Using the path here instead of just the entity group name allows us to share entity group definitions across underlays. For example, the omop data-mapping group contains template entity group definitions for standing up a new underlay.


required SZMetadata

Metadata for the underlay.

required String

Name of the underlay.

This is the unique identifier for the underlay. If you serve multiple underlays in a single service deployment, the underlay names cannot overlap. Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers.

This name is stored in the application database for cohorts and data feature sets, so once there are artifacts associated with an underlay, you can't change the underlay name.


required Set [ String ]

List of paths of all the prepackaged data features.

A prepackaged data feature is a predefined data feature for exporting data (e.g. demographics). It contains data for zero or more UI display plugins. (e.g. type 2 diabetes data feature defines data for the entity group plugin).

Path consists of two parts: [Display Group]/[Prepackaged Data Feature Name] (e.g. omop/demographics).

[Display Group] is the name of a sub-directory of the config/display/ sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. omop).

[Prepackaged Data Feature Name] is specified in the prepackaged file, and also matches the name of the sub-directory of the config/display/[Display Group]/prepackagedcriteria sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. demographics).

Using the path here instead of just the prepackaged criteria name allows us to share criteria definitions across underlays. For example, the omop display group contains template criteria definitions for standing up a new underlay.


required String

Name of the primary entity.

A cohort contains instances of the primary entity (e.g. persons).


required String

Name of the UI config file.

File must be in the same directory as the underlay file. Name includes file extension.

Example value: ui.json


required List [ String ]

List of paths of all the visualizations.

A visualization contains all of the configuration to display a underlay or cohort level visualization in the UI.

Path consists of two parts: [Display Group]/[Visualization Name] (e.g. omop/peopleByAge).

[Display Group] is the name of a sub-directory of the config/ui/ sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. omop).

[Visualization Name] is specified in the visualization file, and also matches the name of the sub-directory of the config/ui/[Display Group]/viz sub-directory in the underlay sub-project resources (e.g. peopleByAge).

Using the path here instead of just the visualization name allows us to share visualization definitions across underlays. For example, the omop visualization group contains template visualization definitions for standing up a new underlay.


Configuration for a single visualization.


required String

Serialized configuration of the visualization. VizConfig protocol buffer as JSON.


required String

Name of the file that contains the serialized configuration of the visualization.

This file should be in the same directory as the visualization (e.g. gender.json).

If this property is specified, the value of the config property is ignored.

required String

Name of the visualization.

This is the unique identifier for the vizualization. The vizualization names cannot overlap within an underlay.

Name may not include spaces or special characters, only letters and numbers.


required String

Name of the visualization UI plugin.


required String

Serialized configuration of the visualization UI plugin as JSON.


required String

Name of the file that contains the serialized configuration of the visualization UI plugin.

This file should be in the same directory as the visualization (e.g. gender.json).

If this property is specified, the value of the pluginConfig property is ignored.


required String

Visible title of the visualization.