Question Why might we observe differences in species richness during the pandemic?
- "Bored in the house" hypothesis: more observation leads to more species detected
- "Quiet city more birds" hypothesis: people inside leads to more bird outside, less disturbance by human acitivities contirbutes to more birds in city
- "Bored in the house and quiet city" hypothesis: both of the above contribute to observed increase in bird records.
Scope Taxa: birds. Location: Top 20 most populated cities in Canada. Tools: iNaturalist Time: March-April, 2016-2020
- Aliénor Stahl, @Alienor Stahl
- Mélanie Jean, @hsplendens
- Timothy Law, @lawwt
- Shuang Xing, @shuanggeek
- Calvin Kluke, @ckluke