Python musical scales handling and piano keys transposing
>>> from pyscales.primitives import *
>>> Note("a") + ToneDelta(semitones=3)
<Note C0>
>>> Note("a") + ToneDelta(semitones=2)
<Note B0>
>>> Note("a") + ToneDelta(semitones=2)*2
<Note C#0>
>>> Note("a") == Note("a")
>>> Note("a", 1) - Note("a", 2)
<ToneDelta -12>
>>> Note("b") - ToneDelta(semitones=2)
<Note A0>
>>> Note("a") - Note("b")
<ToneDelta -2>
>>> Note("a") + ToneDelta(semitones=2)*2
<Note C#0>
>>> Note("a", 4).frequency # in Hz
>>> Note("b", 4).frequency # in Hz
>>> from pyscales import devicekeyboards
>>> x = devicekeyboards.op1_keyboard.copy()
>>> print(x.render_keys_in_ascii());print(x.render_notes_in_ascii())
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F0 F#0 G0 G#0 A0 A#0 B0 C1 C#1 D1 D#1 E1 F1 F#1 G1 G#1 A1 A#1 B1 C2 C#2 D2 D#2 E2
>>> print(x.render_keys_in_ascii());print(x.render_notes_in_ascii(False))
□ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □
F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# E
>>> from pyscales import scaleformulas
>>> from pyscales.primitives import Note
>>> from pyscales.scales import Scale
>>> print(x.render_keys_in_ascii());print(x.render_note_scale_in_ascii(Scale(Note("C"), scaleformulas.MAJOR_FORMULA)))
□ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □
F0 G0 A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2 D2 E2
>>> print(x.render_keys_in_ascii());print(x.render_note_scale_in_ascii(Scale(Note("C"), scaleformulas.MINOR_FORMULA)))
□ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □
F0 G0 G#0 A#0 C1 D1 D#1 F1 G1 G#1 A#1 C2 D2 D#2
>>> print(x.render_keys_in_ascii());print(x.render_note_scale_in_ascii(Scale(Note("C"), scaleformulas.MINOR_FORMULA)))
□ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □
F0 G0 G#0 A#0 C1 D1 D#1 F1 G1 G#1 A#1 C2 D2 D#2
>>> x.tune(semitones = 3) # raise every key by 3 semitones
>>> print(x.render_keys_in_ascii());print(x.render_note_scale_in_ascii(Scale(Note("C"), scaleformulas.MINOR_FORMULA)))
□ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ ▩ □ □ ▩ □ ▩ □
G#0 A#1 C0 D0 D#1 F1 G1 G#1 A#2 C1 D1 D#2 F2 G2
modes- ~~ midi note numbers (see and
init note from midi number- intervals
- addition and subtraction in scale
- finding qualities of interval in scale (notation -, quality -
- add and subtract intervals within a context of a scale
- chords with scales, chord names and notes they consist of (don't forget octaves and root notes) -
- chords in given scales (similar to notes_in_scale method)
- chord transposing by adding or subtracting tonedeltas
- init chord from given notes (check if matches any formula)
- find nearest note to a given frequency
- pip package
- chord progressions suggestor utility (linked list? generator?)
- chord progression generator
note frequencies- midi chord variator (input midi chords, get variations in scale)