To find the potential lead for the company out of all leads.
Cleaning Data:
- Partial cleaning of the data, replacing null values and irrelevant options.
- Filtered data to include only leads from India, USA, and UAE.
Dummy Variables:
- Created dummy variables for categorical features.
- Standardized data using StandardScaler.
EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis):
- Quick EDA performed to check data condition.
- Outliers in numerical variables were identified and removed.
Train-Test Split:
- Data split into 70% train and 30% test sets with random_state = 100.
Model Building:
- Used Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) to select top 15 relevant variables.
- Removed remaining variables based on VIF and p-value criteria.
Model Evaluation:
- Confusion matrix created.
- Optimum cut-off value determined using ROC curve.
- Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity evaluated (approx. 90% each).
- Predicted on the test dataset using an optimum cut-off of 0.42.
- Manual segregation of leads required for nurturing potential customers.
- Model meets CEO's expectations with a target lead conversion rate of approx. 90%.
- Features contributing to lead conversion probability identified.
- Accuracy: 0.8945
- Specificity: 0.8846
- Sensitivity/Recall: 0.9083
- Precision: 0.8491
- Accuracy: 0.8914
- Specificity: 0.8724
- Sensitivity/Recall: 0.9181
- Precision: 0.8358
The model predicts conversion rate well, providing confidence to the CEO in making informed decisions.
Variable | Description |
Prospect ID | A unique ID with which the customer is identified. |
Lead Number | A lead number assigned to each lead procured. |
Lead Origin | The origin identifier with which the customer was identified to be a lead. Includes API, Landing Page Submission, etc. |
Lead Source | The source of the lead. Includes Google, Organic Search, Olark Chat, etc. |
Do Not Email | An indicator variable selected by the customer indicating whether they want to be emailed about the course or not. |
Do Not Call | An indicator variable selected by the customer indicating whether they want to be called about the course or not. |
Converted | The target variable. Indicates whether a lead has been successfully converted or not. |
TotalVisits | The total number of visits made by the customer on the website. |
Total Time Spent on Website | The total time spent by the customer on the website. |
Page Views Per Visit | Average number of pages on the website viewed during the visits. |
Last Activity | Last activity performed by the customer. Includes Email Opened, Olark Chat Conversation, etc. |
Country | The country of the customer. |
Specialization | The industry domain in which the customer worked before. Includes 'Select Specialization' for customers who had not selected an option while filling the form. |
How did you hear about X Education | The source from which the customer heard about X Education. |
What is your current occupation | Indicates whether the customer is a student, unemployed, or employed. |
What matters most to you in choosing this course | Indicates the main motivation behind choosing the course. |
Search | Indicates whether the customer had seen an ad in any of the listed items. |
Magazine | Indicates whether the customer had seen an ad in any of the listed items. |
Newspaper Article | Indicates whether the customer had seen an ad in any of the listed items. |
X Education Forums | Indicates whether the customer had seen an ad in any of the listed items. |
Newspaper | Indicates whether the customer had seen an ad in any of the listed items. |
Digital Advertisement | Indicates whether the customer had seen an ad in any of the listed items. |
Through Recommendations | Indicates whether the customer came in through recommendations. |
Receive More Updates About Our Courses | Indicates whether the customer chose to receive more updates about the courses. |
Tags | Tags assigned to customers indicating the current status of the lead. |
Lead Quality | Indicates the quality of lead based on data and intuition of the employee assigned to the lead. |
Update me on Supply Chain Content | Indicates whether the customer wants updates on Supply Chain Content. |
Get updates on DM Content | Indicates whether the customer wants updates on DM Content. |
Lead Profile | A lead level assigned to each customer based on their profile. |
City | The city of the customer. |
Asymmetrique Activity Index | An index and score assigned to each customer based on their activity and profile. |
Asymmetrique Profile Index | An index and score assigned to each customer based on their activity and profile. |
Asymmetrique Activity Score | An index and score assigned to each customer based on their activity and profile. |
Asymmetrique Profile Score | An index and score assigned to each customer based on their activity and profile. |
I agree to pay the amount through cheque | Indicates whether the customer has agreed to pay the amount through cheque. |
A free copy of Mastering The Interview | Indicates whether the customer wants a free copy of 'Mastering the Interview' or not. |
Last Notable Activity | The last notable activity performed by the student. |
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib.pyplot
- seaborn
- sklearn
- statsmodels.api
- warnings