A PHP class to make the WTS ACH (achdebit.com) API usage easier. These classes are for Dynamic Billing System users.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use DatingVIP\Payment\Ach\DbsApi;
use DatingVIP\Payment\Ach\TransactionParams;
use DatingVIP\Payment\Ach\ResponseParams;
use DatingVIP\Payment\Ach\TransactionRefundParams;
use DatingVIP\Payment\Ach\ToastParams;
// add your credentials here
$config = [
'parent_id' => 'YOUR_PARTNER_ID',
'sub_id' => 'YOUR_SUB_ID'
$api = new DbsApi();
// create a subscription / re-billing
$params = new TransactionParams();
$params->parent_id = $config['parent_id'];
$params->sub_id = $config['sub_id'];
$params->pmt_type = TransactionParams::PAYMENT_TYPE_CHECK;
$params->response_location = 'http://example.com/listener/' . time();
$params->chk_acct = '123456789';
$params->chk_aba = '987654321';
$params->custname = 'John Smith';
$params->custemail = 'jsmith@example.com';
$params->custaddress1 = 'Main Street';
$params->custstate = 'TX';
$params->custzip = '00893';
$params->custcity = 'Austin';
$params->initial_amount = '1.00';
$params->recur_amount = '5.00';
$params->max_num_billing = '10';
$params->billing_cycle = TransactionParams::CYCLE_MONTHLY;
$params->ip_forward = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$params->merordernumber = time();
$api = new DbsApi();
// what do we got
switch ($api->getResponseObject()->status) {
case ResponseParams::STATUS_ACCEPTED:
case ResponseParams::STATUS_SUCCESS:
// All good!
echo 'Successful Payment!';
case ResponseParams::STATUS_VERIFY:
// Redirect user to WTS site
// in this case we will need a listener which, which will handle returned data from join.achbill.com
echo '<a href="' . $api->getResponseObject()->url . '" target="_blank">Finish payment!</a>';
case ResponseParams::STATUS_DECLINED:
// Declined transaction
echo 'Transaction Declined! "' . $api->getResponseObject()->reason . '"';
echo '???';
// cancel subscription example
$cparams = new TransactionParams();
$cparams->parent_id = $config['parent_id'];
$cparams->sub_id = $config['sub_id'];
$cparams->action_code = TransactionParams::ACTION_CANCEL;
$cparams->prev_history_id = 'history_id';
$cparams->order_id = 'ach_order_id';
$cparams->canceltype = TransactionParams::CANCEL_IMMEDIATE;
// refund transaction
$rparams = new TransactionRefundParams();
$rparams->parent_id = $config['parent_id'];
$rparams->sub_id = $config['sub_id'];
$rparams->pmt_type = TransactionParams::PAYMENT_TYPE_CHECK;
$rparams->action_code = TransactionRefundParams::ACTION_REFUND;
$rparams->prev_history_id = 'history_id';
$rparams->order_id = 'ach_order_id';
$rparams->initial_amount = 'amount';
// example of how to handle TOAST's from the listener script
$tparams = new ToastParams();
$tparams->setVariablesFromString( http_build_query($_POST) );
if(!$api->isToastIpValid($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { die ( 'Toast IP is not valid!' ); }
switch ($tparams->status) {
case ResponseParams::STATUS_ACCEPTED:
case ResponseParams::STATUS_SUCCESS:
// All good!
// Declined