etcd is a distributed configuration system, part of the coreos project.
This repository provides a client library for etcd for PHP applications. Inspired by linkorb/etcd-php. For our purpose, we need a more elastic version for etcd client. It can use with predefined HTTP client (no matter what it is) and also supports PHP 7.1.
The etcd-php uses curl library as a default client and creates own instance of http client.
To install etcd, follow instructions that etcd team posts on Releases page of the project:
Easiest way is to install it using composer:
"require" : {
"DatingVIP/etcd": "^1.0"
use use DatingVIP\Component\Etcd\Client;
$client = new Client('');
// If you have own http client object & if it has proper adapter
// proper means - need to implement DatingVIP\Component\Etcd\Client\HttpInterface)
$httpAdapter = new MyAdapter($myHttpClient);
// Get, set, update, remove key
if (!$client->keyExists('/key/name')) {
$client->keySet('/key/name', 'value');
$client->set('/key/name', 'value', 10); // Set TTL
print $client->keyGet('/key/name');
$client->keyUpdate('/key/name', 'new value');
// Working with dirs
if (!$client->dirExists('/dir/path')) {
$client->dirUpdate('/dir/path', 10); // Set TTL
// Get dir info
// List subdirectories
Client can be configured not to verify SSL peer:
$client = (new Client(''))->verifySslPeer(false);
as well as to use a custom CA file:
$client = (new Client(''))->verifySslPeer(true, '/path/to/ca/file');