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David Baetge edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 2 revisions

Default Icons

The skin includes icons for the most used observation types:

Observations Icon nane Preview
outTemp, inTemp (or any observation with no own icon, but with "Temp" in the name) temp.svg temp.svg
outHumidity, inHumidity (or any observation with no own icon, but with "Humid" in the name) humidity.svg humidity.svg
barometer, altimeter, pressure barometer.svg barometer.svg
windSpeed wind-speed.svg wind-speed.svg
windGust wind-gust.svg wind-gust.svg
windDir, windGustDir wind-direction.svg wind-direction.svg
rain rain.svg rain.svg
rainRate rain-rate.svg rain-rate.svg
dewpoint, inDewpoint dew-point.svg dew-point.svg
heatindex, humidex heat-index.svg heat-index.svg
windchill wind-chill.svg wind-chill.svg
UV uv.svg uv.svg
ET et.svg et.svg
noise noise.svg noise.svg
forecast forecast.svg forecast.svg
radiation, luminosity, maxSolarRad radiation.svg radiation.svg
appTemp app-temp.svg app-temp.svg
cloudbase cloud-base.svg cloud-base.svg
snowDepth snow-depth.svg snow-depth.svg
snowMoisture snow-moist.svg snow-moist.svg
windrun wind-run.svg wind-run.svg
snow, snowRate snow.svg snow.svg
hail, hailRate hail.svg hail.svg
leafTemp1, leafTemp2, leafWet1, leafWet2 leaf.svg leaf.svg
no2, pm1_0, pm2_5, pm10_0 mask.svg mask.svg
rxCheckPercent or any observation with "signal" signal.svg signal.svg
Any observation with "Voltage" voltage.svg voltage.svg
Any observation with "batterystatus" or "batteryvoltage" battery.svg battery.svg
Any observation with "lightning" lightning.svg lightning.svg
Any observation with "soilMoist" soil-moist.svg soil-moist.svg
Any observation with "soilTemp" soil-temp.svg soil-temp.svg

Changing Icons

Icons can be changed globally (for stat tiles and diagrams):

        rain = "includes/icons/barometer.svg"
        cloudbase = "./dwd/icons/8.png"

You can use the default Icons which are shipped with the theme or use your own Icons. For example if you want to change the UV icon to be the radiation icon, you can do the following (prefix the icon name with includes/icons/):

        UV = "includes/icons/radiation.svg"

If you want to use your own Icons, you need to copy them into your web directory and set the path accordingly. Assuming the icons are saved in /var/www/html/weewx/icons, (where /var/www/html/weewx is the web servers root path), than the icon path should be something like icon = '/icons/your-icon.png'.

Icons can also be changed for combined diagrams:

            label = "Temperature Min/Max/Avg"
            pointSize = 3
            yScaleOffset = 0.5
            icon = "includes/icons/rain.svg"
                    observation = "outTemp"
                    aggregate_type = "min"
                    color = "#0198E1"

For single diagrams the icon can be set per observation or per context:

        icon = "/icons/custom-hum.png"             # Icon set per observation

        aggregate_interval = 900 # 15 minutes
                icon = "/icons/custom-wind.png"    # Icon set per context

Unsetting Icons

You can unset the icon for every observation or for a single diagram by just specifying none as the icon, eg:

            icon = none