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Daveiano edited this page Jul 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

You can optionaly enable a Sensor Status page to show metrics of your system (signal quality, battery voltages).

To enable it, uncomment the entry under [CheetahGenerator] in skin.conf:

            template = sensor-status.html.tmpl
Sensor Status Page

The following configurations are available:

sensor_stat_tile_observations - Which observations to show as stat tiles.

sensor_diagram_observations - Which observations to show as diagrams.

sensor_table_observations - Which observations to show in the data-table (you can hide the table completly by uncommenting sensor_table_observations).

sensor_battery_status - Which battery status to show.

sensor_diagram_period - The time period (day, week, month or year) to use for the diagrams/table (the stat tiles always show the current value).

You can also add combined diagrams to the page by defining them in [[diagrams]][[[combined_observations]]], see

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