- You start in Village, you cannot move already
because the mayor comes to talk to you.
- You can choose to help the mayor after he's finished talking (A : yes B : no)
- if you accept you win 400 gold
- if you don't the mayor becomes a zombie, (we do not recommand this option)
- then you need to go (up) to Ferme, enter the home that's near the zombie
- open the box in the house, collect the items it releases by walking on them
(1 bow, 45 arrows, 5 bombs)
- you should save the arrows as you'll need them later
- go up then right to Route
- you'll find there some monsters you're not forced to fight
- go down use the bow to throw an arrow at the orb
- that will make a bridge appear that will allow you to go across the river
- walk on the bridge
- continue right you'll reach RouteTemple
- enter the building you'll find there, you'll reach Temple
- go on the tile with the drawing (it is a teleporter
- press E to activate the lever to your right, you'll transported to
GrotteDonjon where you'll find 4 zombies you need to defeat
- defeating them will trigger a signal that will make a box appear
- open the box with E/Space bar
- the box drops the staff, collect it by walking on it
- go back next to lever, use it by pressing E, you'll be transported back to the temple
- go back to RouteTemple, then Route, go up, take the stone bridge
- you'll reach RouteChateau
- there you'll find DarkLord, 3 zombies
- use the staff to attack and defeat the DarkLord
(staff is the only effective weapon against him)
- a key will be dropped where he standed when you defeated him
- walk on the key to collect it, it will allow to open the castle door
- open the castle door by pressing E, then you can step inside
- you'll reach the castle
- you just finished the game
Play :
- arrows : move the player
- tab : change inventory item
- space : use item
- E : interact from view/go to next dialog window
- A/B : make choice when talking to the mayor
Test / Debug :
(Maintain:) CTRL+SHIFT + (Press:) J+O : Enable debug Mode to use the following features :
- L : make a LogMonster appear faced Up, in front of the player
- K : make a FlameSkull appear faced Up, in front of the player
- B : make a Bomb appear faced Up, in front of the player
- F : make Fire appear faced Up, in front of the player
- Z : make a Zombie appear near you,faced Up, in front of the player
- I : add sword, bow, arrow, bomb, castle key to the inventory
- R : Reload the Game
- starts with only a sword in the inventory
- max hp : 6.0f
- Arrow (thrown by bow) :
- attack type : PHYSICAL
- damage : 1.5f
- Sword :
- attack type : PHYSICAL
- damage : 2.0f
- Magic Projectile (thrown by staff) :
- attack type : MAGICAL
- damage : 2.0f
- Bomb :
- attack type : PHYSICAL
- damage : 4.0f
(can hurt the player if he stays to close to it)
- FlameSkull :
- hp : 2.0f
- Vulnerabilities : PHYSICAL, MAGICAL
- damage : 0.5f
- dies after a certain time
- LogMonster :
- hp : 6.0f
- Vulnerabilities : PHYSICAL, FIRE
- damage : 2.0f
- runs into a straight line after seeing you,
- has period of inactivity
- drops a coin after bein defeated
- DarkLord :
- hp : 35.0f
- Vulnerability : MAGICAL
- can't be attacked in closed fight (teleports)
- you need the staff to defeat him
- makes FireSpell (makes you 0.5f when you step on it and by cycle when standing on it) and FlameSkull appear
- Zombie :
- hp : 8.0f
- Vulnerabilities : PHYSICAL, MAGICAL
- damage : 1.0f
- when reaching 2 or less hp, becomes a static grave for a given time before healing and moving again as a zombie
- you need to destroy the grave to kill the zombie
- as a grave it prevents some attacks at random depending on a fixed probability (0.2 chance to hurt it)
- drops a heart after being defeated
other added sprites have been made by us or are edits of the sprites of the "maquette"