wtTaby is a CLI for editing the tabs in the Microsoft Windows Terminal
Examples -
- Note - At this current stage to run wtTaby - python wtTaby.py [FUNCTION] [OPERATOR(If needed)]
To run: wtTaby [FUNCTION] [OPERATOR(If needed)]
Functions -
Setup -
'--setup' : To setup the system, Add '-a' to auto search for the settings file
New Tab -
'--newTaby' : To add a new tab
Edit a taby -
'--edit [TABY NAME]', If name has couple words use - "TABY NAME"
Show -
'--show' : Shows the tabs that are in the settings.json file
Set Default -
'--default' : Sets a new default tab
- Check for Updates -
>wtTaby --checkUp
No updates available, wtTaby Version - 0.0.1
- Option to show the tabs -
>wtTaby --show
Windows Terminal Tabs -
GUID - {61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}
Tab Name - This is a new name
GUID - {0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}
Tab Name - Command Prompt
GUID - {a2838337-8e85-42c7-9813-d852452e90d7}
Tab Name - Ubuntu
GUID - {2c4de342-38b7-51cf-b940-2309a097f518}
Tab Name - Ubuntu 2020
GUID - {b453ae62-4e3d-5e58-b989-0a998ec441b8}
Tab Name - Azure Cloud Shell
- To create a new tab
>wtTaby --newTaby
GUID generated - {0116779e-e522-4834-b575-a9e4764f887d}
Enter tab name: My new tab
Enter a commandline: cmd.exe
My new tab Taby Added to the Windows Terminal!
- To edit a tab (wtTaby --edit [TAB_NAME])
>wtTaby --edit "My new tab"
Found one tab!!
{'GUID': '{0116779e-e522-4834-b575-a9e4764f887d}', 'tabName': 'My new tab'}
Current settings -
Name - My new tab
Commandline - cmd.exe
Choose a key to edit - [name, commandline], Enter 'q' to exit: name
Enter a value for name: My new tab 2
Name was edited to My new tab 2
Choose a key to edit - [name, commandline], Enter 'q' to exit: q
Quiting edit tab....
And more coming soon....
David Vavilov 2020