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Dockerized version of Zeppellin OS


ZOS is standard npm package which unfortunatelly relies on node-gyp. That is notoriously problematic to run correctly on Windows. The workaround is to use dockerized version of ZOS and then call it using command-line alias


  1. Clone the repository and run docker build -t zos .
  2. Create doskey alias dzos=docker run -v %cd%/:/usr/src/app zos $*. The $* at the end passes all arguments to zos running in docker. The %cd% maps current directory, so zos can operate in it.
  3. Use dzos the same way you would run zos
  4. Check that it runs correctly by typing dzos --version

Instructions on Windows

  • Note: None of this is needed, if node-gyp works correctly on your system
  • You will need to run at least 2 docker containers. One for ganache, the other for the dockerized ZOS
  • 1) create docker network
  • docker network create ganache-net
  • all other containers will belong to this network, so they can communicate
  • 2) Start ganache-cli network in docker
  • docker run -p 8545:8545 --net ganache-net trufflesuite/ganache-cli:latest add -d if you do not care about knowing the accounts/private keys.
  • obtain the IP address of that docker container by command docker inspect [container-name]
  • you will need this IP address in the trufle_config.js, because localhost will not correctly resolve inside container
  • 3) Prepare ZOS
  • navigate to project directory and run dzos init or any other zos command
  • Make sure that file truffle_config.js exists, it should be created for you by the zos init command
  • Define connection to dockerized ganache like this:
docker_ganache_cli: {
      host: '', // This is the containers IP. Can't use localhost
      port: 8545,
      gas: 5000000,
      gasPrice: 5e9,
      network_id: '*'
  • Create local ZOS session to ganache_cli dzos-session=zos session --network docker_ganache_cli --from [10th-ganache-account] --expires 3600 . This account will be used as deployer/owner of the upgradable smart contracts.
  • Now all ZOS commands should work and deploy to the dockerized ganache network.

More about Doskey

Read how to create permament aliases (with any predefined arguments) using Doskey here:

Documentation to ZOS

Documentation to zos is here All commands are the same, dzos is just a wrapper :)


Dockerized Zeppellin OS








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