A React-based web application for social media analytics using DataStax Astra DB and Langflow integration. The frontend provides intuitive visualization and analysis of social media engagement metrics.
- Entry point for the application
- Showcase project capabilities
- Display team information
- Navigation to analytics dashboard
- Navigation bar with logo and menu items
- Hero section with engaging headline
- Call-to-action button
- Brief project description
- Card-based layout highlighting functionalities:
- Real-time social media analytics
- GPT-powered insights
- Custom metric tracking
- Data visualization
- Team member cards containing:
- Profile pictures
- Names and roles
- Brief descriptions
- Professional profile links (optional)
- Quick links
- Contact information
- Hackathon information
- Visualize social media engagement metrics
- Analyze post performance across content types
- Enable data-driven content strategy decisions
- Date range selector
- Post type filter (Reel, Carousel, Static Image)
- Refresh data controls
- Export options (CSV/JSON)
- Breakdown of post types
- Total post counts by type
- Visual representation (pie/donut chart)
- Total likes, shares, and comments
- Average engagement rates by post type
- Trend indicators
interface ChartConfig {
xAxis: string; // Date_Posted
yAxis: string; // Engagement metrics
series: {
type: string;
data: number[];
- Line/bar chart visualization
- Toggle between metrics
- Hover tooltips
- Color-coded by Post_Type
- Bar chart comparing metrics
- Separate bars for engagement types
- Visual hierarchy for performance
- Sortable and filterable table
- Columns:
- Post_ID
- Post_Type
- Date_Posted
- Likes
- Shares
- Comments
- Engagement Rate
- Search functionality
- Pagination (50 items per page)
- GPT-generated insights:
- Performance Patterns
- Top-performing post types
- Engagement rate trends
- Best posting times/dates
- Strategic Recommendations
interface PostData {
Post_ID: string;
Post_Type: 'Reel' | 'Carousel' | 'Static Image';
Likes: number;
Shares: number;
Comments: number;
Date_Posted: string;
interface EngagementMetrics {
totalEngagement: number; // likes + shares + comments
engagementRate: number; // totalEngagement / average engagement for post type
performanceScore: number; // weighted score based on engagement metrics
interface DashboardState {
posts: PostData[];
dateRange: [Date, Date];
selectedPostTypes: string[];
sortBy: string;
sortOrder: 'asc' | 'desc';
currentPage: number;
filters: {
search: string;
minEngagement?: number;
maxEngagement?: number;
- Endpoint:
- Query Parameters:
- startDate: ISO date string
- endDate: ISO date string
- postTypes: Array of post types
- page: Page number
- limit: Items per page
- sort: Sort field
- order: Sort order
- Redux or Context API for global state
- Local state for component-specific data
- Primary:
(Blue) - Secondary:
(Light Blue) - Accent:
(Yellow) - Background:
(Light Gray) - Text:
(Dark Gray)
- Headings: Inter
- Body: Roboto
- Monospace: Source Code Pro
- Padding:
(16px) - Border radius:
(8px) - Shadow:
0 4px 6px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.1)
- Transitions: 150ms ease-in-out
- Breakpoints:
- Mobile: 320px - 480px
- Tablet: 481px - 768px
- Desktop: 769px+
- Mobile view: Stack cards and charts vertically
- Tablet view: 2-column grid for cards
- Desktop view: Full dashboard layout with sidebars
- Implement lazy loading for dashboard components
- Use virtualization for large data grids
- Cache API responses
- Optimize images and assets
- Implement authentication if required
- Sanitize data inputs
- Secure API endpoints
- ARIA labels
- Keyboard navigation
- Color contrast compliance
- Screen reader compatibility
- Unit tests for components
- Integration tests for API calls
- End-to-end testing for critical paths
- Performance testing for data-heavy operations