A project for the CSUF intelligent Learning Experiences Research Lab. Fall 2018
The goal of this project was to build a website to showcase the status of the CSUF Intelligent Learning Experiences Lab research group.
The group focuses on educational data mining, data evaluation, educational design patterns and the development of learning software to optimize the student-teacher learning experience.
To run this project you will need to download a few things. First up - Python:
Next skip down to the installation of pip & Django:
The site is a work in progress which will go live during the spring of 2019.
- Django - Web Framework Used (A data oriented framework which I wished to continue experimenting with.)
- [HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python] - Languages used for content, styling, action and architecture.
- [jQuery, Requests](https://jquery.com, http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) - Libraries used for easier DOM manipulation and HTTP Requests.
- [Bootstrap, Font Awesome] - (https://getbootstrap.com/, https://fontawesome.com) - Front-End Library/Framework for simplified styling and an icon toolkit.
- [Slack API]-(https://api.slack.com/apps/AEWC10CUF/incoming-webhooks?) - Slack API Webhooks used to send messages from the "Contact Us" page to the groups respective Slack project channels. NOTE: These webhooks are omitted from this public repo.