- Created Using ttkbootstrap
Fork/Clone/Download this repo
git clone https://github.com/Debkumarkatwa/CODSOFT.git
Create a virtual environment for this project
pip -m venv
Load the virtual environment
- On Windows Terminal:
- On Linux and Git Bash:
source .venv/bin/activate
- On Windows Terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
to run the program in GUI mode -
to run the program in Cmd/Terminal mode
- Create a GUI for the program
- Create a command line interface for the program
- Add a feature to save the data in a file
- Add a feature to load the data from a file, Display the data, Update the data and Delete the data
- Create a GUI for the calculator
- Create a command line interface for the calculator
- Show Error message if the user tries to divide by zero or enter an invalid input
- Create a GUI for the password generator
- Create a command line interface for the password generator
- Give the user the option to choose the length of the password
- Give the user the option to choose the type of characters to include in the password
- Create a GUI for the Rock Paper Scissors game
- Track the score of the user and the computer
- Create a GUI for the contact book
- Create a command line interface for the contact book
- Add a feature to save the contacts in a file
- Add a feature to load the contacts from a file, Display the contacts, Update the contacts and Delete the contacts
- Pressing the Enter key allows the user to show the contact details