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In this tutorial, we will guide you step by step on how to prepare our YOLO-NAS for production! We will leverage YOLO-NAS architecture which includes quantization-friendly blocks, and train a YOLO-NAS model on Roboflow's Soccer Player Detection Dataset in a way that would maximize our throughput without compromising on the model's accuracy.

The steps will be:

  1. Training from scratch on one of the downstream datasets - these will play the role of the user's dataset (i.e., the one in which the model will need to be trained for the user's task)
  2. Performing post-training quantization and quantization-aware training


Note: quantization is currently supported exclusively for GPU and TensorRT environments.

Now, let's get to it.

Step 0: Installations and Dataset Setup

Follow the official instructions to download Roboflow100:

To use this dataset, you must download the "coco" format, NOT the yolov5.

- Your dataset should look like this:
    ├── 4-fold-defect
    │      ├─ train
    │      │    ├─ 000000000001.jpg
    │      │    ├─ ...
    │      │    └─ _annotations.coco.json
    │      ├─ valid
    │      │    └─ ...
    │      └─ test
    │           └─ ...
    ├── abdomen-mri
    │      └─ ...
    └── ...

- Install CoCo API:

Install the latest version of SG:

pip install super-gradients

Install torch + PyTorch-quantization (note that later versions should be compatible as well and that you should essentially follow torch installation according to

pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url &> /dev/null
pip install pytorch-quantization==2.1.2 --extra-index-url &> /dev/null

Launch Training (non-QA)

Although this might come as a surprise - the name quantization-aware training needs to be more accurate and be performed on a trained checkpoint rather than from scratch. So in practice, we need to train our model on our dataset fully, then after we perform calibration, we fine-tune our model once again, which will be our final step. As we discuss in our Training with configuration files, we clone the SG repo, then use the repo's configuration files in our training examples. We will use the src/super_gradients/recipes/roboflow_yolo_nas_s.yamlconfiguration to train the small variant of our DeciModel, DeciModel S.

So we navigate to our train_from_recipe script:

cd <YOUR-LOCAL-PATH>/super_gradients/src/super_gradients/examples/train_from_recipe_example

Then to avoid collisions between our cloned and installed SG:


To launch training on one of the RF100 datasets, we pass it through the dataset_name argument:

python -m train_from_recipe --config-name=roboflow_yolo_nas_s  dataset_name=soccer-players-5fuqs dataset_params.data_dir=<PATH_TO_RF100_ROOT> ckpt_root_dir=<YOUR_CHECKPOINTS_ROOT_DIRECTORY> experiment_name=yolo_nas_s_soccer_players


Train epoch 99: 100%|██████████| 32/32 [00:23<00:00,  1.35it/s, PPYoloELoss/loss=0.853, PPYoloELoss/loss_cls=0.417, PPYoloELoss/loss_dfl=0.56, PPYoloELoss/loss_iou=0.0621, gpu_mem=11.7]
Validation epoch 99: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  5.49it/s]
├── Training
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 0.8527
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.8515 (↗ 0.0012)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.8515 (↗ 0.0012)
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.4174
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.4178 (↘ -0.0004)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.4178 (↘ -0.0004)
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.5602
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.5573 (↗ 0.0029)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.5573 (↗ 0.0029)
│   └── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.0621
│       ├── Best until now = 0.062  (↗ 0.0)
│       └── Epoch N-1      = 0.062  (↗ 0.0)
└── Validation
    ├── F1@0.50 = 0.779
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.8185 (↘ -0.0395)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.796  (↘ -0.017)
    ├── Map@0.50 = 0.9601
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.967  (↘ -0.0069)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.957  (↗ 0.0031)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 1.4472
    │   ├── Best until now = 1.3971 (↗ 0.0501)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 1.4421 (↗ 0.0051)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.5981
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.527  (↗ 0.0711)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.5986 (↘ -0.0005)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.8216
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.7849 (↗ 0.0367)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.8202 (↗ 0.0014)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.1753
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.1684 (↗ 0.007)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.1734 (↗ 0.002)
    ├── Precision@0.50 = 0.6758
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.7254 (↘ -0.0495)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.6931 (↘ -0.0172)
    └── Recall@0.50 = 0.9567
        ├── Best until now = 0.9872 (↘ -0.0304)
        └── Epoch N-1      = 0.9567 (= 0.0)

Validation epoch 100: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  5.45it/s]
├── Training
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 0.8527
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.8515 (↗ 0.0012)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.8515 (↗ 0.0012)
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.4174
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.4178 (↘ -0.0004)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.4178 (↘ -0.0004)
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.5602
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.5573 (↗ 0.0029)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.5573 (↗ 0.0029)
│   └── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.0621
│       ├── Best until now = 0.062  (↗ 0.0)
│       └── Epoch N-1      = 0.062  (↗ 0.0)
└── Validation
    ├── F1@0.50 = 0.7824
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.8185 (↘ -0.0361)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.779  (↗ 0.0034)
    ├── Map@0.50 = 0.9635
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.967  (↘ -0.0036)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.9601 (↗ 0.0033)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 1.432
    │   ├── Best until now = 1.3971 (↗ 0.0349)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 1.4472 (↘ -0.0152)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.588
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.527  (↗ 0.061)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.5981 (↘ -0.0101)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.8191
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.7849 (↗ 0.0343)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.8216 (↘ -0.0025)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.1738
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.1684 (↗ 0.0054)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.1753 (↘ -0.0015)
    ├── Precision@0.50 = 0.6769
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.7254 (↘ -0.0485)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.6758 (↗ 0.0011)
    └── Recall@0.50 = 0.9567
        ├── Best until now = 0.9872 (↘ -0.0304)
        └── Epoch N-1      = 0.9567 (= 0.0)

And so our best checkpoint resides in <YOUR_CHECKPOINTS_ROOT_DIRECTORY>/yolo_nas_s_soccer_players/ckpt_best.pth reaches 0.967 mAP!

Let's visualize some results:

from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
from import models

model = models.get(Models.YOLO_NAS_S,
predictions = model.predict("messi_penalty.mp4")


Now, we will take our checkpoint from our previous section and perform post-training quantization, then quantization-aware training. To do so, we will need to launch training with our qat_from_recipe example script, which simplifies taking any existing training recipe and making it a quantization-aware one with the help of some of our recommended practices. So this time, we navigate to the qat_from_recipe example directory:

cd <YOUR-LOCAL-PATH>/super_gradients/src/super_gradients/examples/qat_from_recipe_example

Before we launch, let's see how we can easily create a configuration from our roboflow_yolo_nas_s config to get the most out of QAT and PTQ. We added a new config that inherits from our previous one, called roboflow_yolo_nas_s_qat.yaml. Let's peek at it:

  - roboflow_yolo_nas_s
  - quantization_params: default_quantization_params
  - _self_

  checkpoint_path: ???
  strict_load: no_key_matching

experiment_name: soccer_players_qat_yolo_nas_s

    - QATRecipeModificationCallback:
        batch_size_divisor: 2
        max_epochs_divisor: 10
        lr_decay_factor: 0.01
        warmup_epochs_divisor: 10
        cosine_final_lr_ratio: 0.01
        disable_phase_callbacks: True
        disable_augmentations: False

Let's break it down:

  • We inherit from our original non-QA recipe

  • We set quantization_params to the default ones. Reminder - this is where QAT and PTQ hyper-parameters are defined.

  • We set our checkpoint_params.checkpoint_path to ??? so that passing a checkpoint is required. We will override this value when launching from the command line.

  • We add a QATRecipeModificationCallback to our pre_launch_callbacks_list: This callback accepts the entire cfg: DictConfig and manipulates it right before we start the training. This allows us to adapt any non-QA recipe to a QA one quickly. Here we will:

    • Use half the batch size of the original recipe.
    • Use 10 percent of the number of the epochs (and warmup epochs).
    • Use 1 percent of the original learning rate.
    • Set the final learning rate ratio of the cosine scheduling to 0.01
    • Disable augmentations and the phase_callbacks.

Now we can launch PTQ and QAT from the command line:

python -m qat_from_recipe --config-name=roboflow_yolo_nas_s_qat experiment_name=soccer_players_qat_yolo_nas_s dataset_name=soccer-players-5fuqs dataset_params.data_dir=<PATH_TO_RF100_ROOT> checkpoint_params.checkpoint_path=<YOUR_CHECKPOINTS_ROOT_DIRECTORY>/yolo_nas_s_soccer_players/ckpt_best.pth ckpt_ckpt_root_dir=<YOUR_CHECKPOINTS_ROOT_DIRECTORY>

[2023-04-02 11:37:56,848][][INFO] - Modifying recipe to suit QAT rules of thumb. Remove QATRecipeModificationCallback to disable.
[2023-04-02 11:37:56,858][][WARNING] - New number of epochs: 10
[2023-04-02 11:37:56,858][][WARNING] - New learning rate: 5e-06
[2023-04-02 11:37:56,858][][WARNING] - New weight decay: 1.0000000000000002e-06
[2023-04-02 11:37:56,858][][WARNING] - EMA will be disabled for QAT run.
[2023-04-02 11:37:56,859][][WARNING] - SyncBatchNorm will be disabled for QAT run.
[2023-04-02 11:37:56,859][][WARNING] - Recipe requests multi_gpu=False and num_gpus=1. Changing to multi_gpu=OFF and num_gpus=1
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 32/32 [00:32<00:00,  1.01s/it]
[2023-04-02 11:38:34,316][][INFO] - Validating PTQ model...

  0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Test:   0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Test:  33%|███▎      | 1/3 [00:00<00:00,  2.87it/s]
Test:  67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [00:00<00:00,  2.90it/s]
Test: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  3.86it/s]
[2023-04-02 11:38:35,106][][INFO] - PTQ Model Validation Results
   - Precision@0.50: 0.6727069020271301
   - Recall@0.50: 0.95766681432724
   - mAP@0.50  : 0.9465919137001038
   - F1@0.50   : 0.7861716747283936

Observe that for PTQ, our model's mAP decreased from 0.967 to 0.9466. After PTQ, QAT is performed automatically:

[2023-04-02 11:38:47] INFO - - Started training for 10 epochs (0/9)

Train epoch 0: 100%|██████████| 32/32 [00:26<00:00,  1.21it/s, PPYoloELoss/loss=0.909, PPYoloELoss/loss_cls=0.444, PPYoloELoss/loss_dfl=0.57, PPYoloELoss/loss_iou=0.0721, gpu_mem=10.1]
Validation epoch 0: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  3.75it/s]
├── Training
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 0.9088
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.4436
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.5696
│   └── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.0721
└── Validation
    ├── F1@0.50 = 0.7885
    ├── Map@0.50 = 0.9556
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 1.4303
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.5847
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.8186
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.1745
    ├── Precision@0.50 = 0.671
    └── Recall@0.50 = 0.9734

[2023-04-02 11:39:14] INFO - - Best checkpoint overriden: validation mAP@0.50: 0.9556358456611633
Train epoch 1: 100%|██████████| 32/32 [00:26<00:00,  1.22it/s, PPYoloELoss/loss=0.91, PPYoloELoss/loss_cls=0.445, PPYoloELoss/loss_dfl=0.574, PPYoloELoss/loss_iou=0.0712, gpu_mem=10.1]
Validation epoch 1: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  3.88it/s]
├── Training
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 0.9097
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.9088 (↗ 0.001)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.9088 (↗ 0.001)
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.4448
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.4436 (↗ 0.0011)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.4436 (↗ 0.0011)
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.5739
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.5696 (↗ 0.0044)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.5696 (↗ 0.0044)
│   └── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.0712
│       ├── Best until now = 0.0721 (↘ -0.0009)
│       └── Epoch N-1      = 0.0721 (↘ -0.0009)
└── Validation
    ├── F1@0.50 = 0.7537
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.7885 (↘ -0.0348)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.7885 (↘ -0.0348)
    ├── Map@0.50 = 0.9581
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.9556 (↗ 0.0025)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.9556 (↗ 0.0025)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 1.4312
    │   ├── Best until now = 1.4303 (↗ 0.0009)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 1.4303 (↗ 0.0009)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.5881
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.5847 (↗ 0.0034)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.5847 (↗ 0.0034)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.8166
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.8186 (↘ -0.002)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.8186 (↘ -0.002)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.1739
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.1745 (↘ -0.0006)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.1745 (↘ -0.0006)
    ├── Precision@0.50 = 0.6262
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.671  (↘ -0.0448)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.671  (↘ -0.0448)
    └── Recall@0.50 = 0.9734
        ├── Best until now = 0.9734 (= 0.0)
        └── Epoch N-1      = 0.9734 (= 0.0)

Validation epoch 10: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  4.07it/s]
├── Training
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 0.8901
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.889  (↗ 0.0011)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.8957 (↘ -0.0056)
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.4365
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.4359 (↗ 0.0005)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.4384 (↘ -0.002)
│   ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.5677
│   │   ├── Best until now = 0.5665 (↗ 0.0012)
│   │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.5702 (↘ -0.0025)
│   └── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.0679
│       ├── Best until now = 0.0672 (↗ 0.0007)
│       └── Epoch N-1      = 0.0689 (↘ -0.001)
└── Validation
    ├── F1@0.50 = 0.7373
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.7885 (↘ -0.0512)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.721  (↗ 0.0164)
    ├── Map@0.50 = 0.968
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.9672 (↗ 0.0007)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.9517 (↗ 0.0163)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss = 1.4326
    │   ├── Best until now = 1.4303 (↗ 0.0023)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 1.4322 (↗ 0.0004)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_cls = 0.5887
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.5847 (↗ 0.004)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.5889 (↘ -0.0002)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_dfl = 0.8164
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.8154 (↗ 0.001)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.8158 (↗ 0.0006)
    ├── Ppyoloeloss/loss_iou = 0.1743
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.1737 (↗ 0.0006)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.1742 (↗ 1e-04)
    ├── Precision@0.50 = 0.6052
    │   ├── Best until now = 0.671  (↘ -0.0658)
    │   └── Epoch N-1      = 0.5953 (↗ 0.01)
    └── Recall@0.50 = 0.9853
        ├── Best until now = 0.9853 (= 0.0)
        └── Epoch N-1      = 0.9734 (↗ 0.0119)

We not only observed no decline in the accuracy of our quantized model, but we also gained an improvement of 0.08 mAP! The QAT model is available in our checkpoints directory, already converted to .onnx format under <YOUR_CHECKPOINTS_ROOT_DIRECTORY>/soccer_players_qat_yolo_nas_s/soccer_players_qat_yolo_nas_s_16x3x640x640_qat.onnx, ready to be converted to converted and deployed to int8 using TRT.