#This Code make for education and easy to control your pc from every where. OK?
How to use 🤔
step 1 : config your disocrd bot token in this line📝: token = os.getenv('Your Discord Token') # Replace with your method of securely storing the token
step 2 : config your channel id in this line 📝 : channel_id = 1 # Replace with your desired channel ID
and Done! you can run this code to use this if you lazy 🤔
- you can use this to make exe 😉
pip install pyinstaller
python -m PyInstaller --onefile Disocrd.py # in this Disocrd.py you can change to you code file name
- or this to make bat but you need to add it in you code file location 📁
@echo off color D python Discord.py # change to you code file name