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# Title Solution Difficulty Status
1 Two Sum Go Easy Completed
2 Add Two Numbers Go Medium Completed
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Go Medium Completed
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Go Medium In-progress
11 Container With Most Water Go Medium In-progress
15 3Sum Go Medium Completed
36 Valid Sudoku Go Medium Completed
49 Group Anagrams Go Medium Completed
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Go Easy Completed
125 Valid Palindrome Go Easy Completed
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Go Medium Completed
167 Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted Go Medium Completed
217 Contains Duplicate Go Easy Completed
238 Product of Array Except Self Go Medium Completed
242 Valid Anagram Go Easy Completed
243 Shortest Word Distance🔒 Go Easy Completed
244 Shortest Word Distance II🔒 Go Medium In-progress
271 Encode and Decode Strings🔒 Go Medium In-progress
347 Top K Frequent Elements Go Medium Completed
359 Logger Rate Limiter🔒 Go Easy Completed
379 Design Phone Directory🔒 Go Medium In-progress
746 Min Cost Climbing Stairs Go Easy In-progress
1929 Concatenation of Array Go Easy Completed