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Product brief

Tri Le edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

Intro & Goal

The goal is to make DenoteMD become an online clipboard and lightweight editor for people to edit, store and share snippets of text, code, Markdown and Latex.


  • Markdown for text makeup
  • Code highlight
  • Latex math formula


Who is it serve?

  • Engineers who need to store and share pieces of code or Markdown.
  • Scientists who need to store and share pieces of Latex.
  • Regular people who need to store and share text information.
  • Students who need to share a part of teamwork's project

Why build it?

  • Something useful that people may need and enjoy using.
  • Small size open-source product to build.
  • Somebody can reuse code components.
  • No extra tool to edit, allowed you to share your idea on the go.

User Research (to be updated)


  • Engineering Lead
  • 32-year-old
  • Pain points:
    • Need a place to write down the ideas in Latex (math expression include) while on the move
    • Insert image to markdown
    • Share it with friends or colleague after writing
    • Share a document that mixing code and formula
    • Share code as an image or embed code


  • Product Manager / Engineer
  • 36-year-old
  • Pain points:
    • Need a place to write or copy a piece of Markdown without login to anything.
    • Take the markdown out to edit and do some more things with the piece.

What success for this project?

The number of users? (let’s say 10K) The number of daily users? (let’s say 1K)


Mockups and Prototype

Home Account Editing
Home Account Editing

Desktop interactive prototype

Mobile interactive prototype

User Stories

Epic: Account creating and retrieval

User story title User story description Priority Notes
A first-time user came to As a new user (never used before)
I want to start to write/copy my note immediately after only one click
so I can save/share it instantly.
High Code on the browser will create a user's account automatically and save it in the browser's storage.
Returning user on the previously used device (identified by device and browser) As a returning user on this device
I want to be taken to the editing page immediately
so I don’t have to click around before starting to write.
Returning user on a new device (identified by device and browser) As a returning user using a new device
I want to retrieve my account on the new device
so I can continue with my writing and sharing.

Scenario 1: A first-time user came to

  • Given I am user first time come to and I want to create a new note to write or copy over text.
  • I will click on New note on the top right of the home page.
  • The system will take me to the account page where I find a field to input my email and click Continue.
  • The system will send an email with the access link to my account and redirect me to a page showing a message notifying me that.
  • I open the email and click on the link.
  • Clicking on the link will send me to the editor page so I can start writing.

Scenario 2: A returning user retrieved her account

  • Given I am a returning user came to on a new device
  • I will click on New note on the top right of the home page.
  • The system will take me to the account page where I find a field to input my email and click Continue.
  • The system will send an email with the access link to my account and redirect me to a page showing a message notifying me that.
  • I open the email and click on the link.
  • Clicking on the link will send me to the editor page so I can start writing.

Scenario 3: A returning user retrieved her account

  • Given I am a returning user on the current device and I am at the home page.
  • I will click on New note on the top right of the home page.
  • The system will recognise that I am a returning user on this device.
  • The system will take me to the editor page so I can start writing.

Epic: Create a new note

User story title User story description Priority Notes
User create a text new note As a user
I want to create a new note
so I can save/share with other people
High Since the account create and retrieving already happen, there will be no differences between users in creating a new note.

Scenario 4: Create a new text note

  • As a user (after creating new account or retrieving one)
  • The system will show me a page with two textboxes (title and content), so I can type my note in
  • I type in my note in.
  • The system enables Save button.
  • Then I click on Save.
  • The system will save the text and generate a specific link of the form so I can share that with other people.
  • The system will disable button save until I type in a new string.