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Vulnerability Analyzer

The vulnerability analyzer is responsible for scanning components for known vulnerabilities.

It utilizes both external services like Sonatype OSS Index and Snyk, as well as vulnerability intelligence data from public databases like the NVD, GitHub Advisories, and OSV.

How it works

The vulnerability analyzer's API is defined using Protocol Buffers. The respective protocol definitions can be found here:

A scan can be triggered by emitting a ScanCommand event to the dtrack.vuln-analysis.component topic.
The event key (ScanKey) is a composite key, consisting of a scan token and a component UUID, where:

  • Scan token is an arbitrary string used to correlate one or more scans with each other
  • Component UUID is the UUID of the to-be-scanned component in the API server's database

In practice (and translated to JSON for readability), a valid ScanKey may end up looking like this:

  "scan_token": "6cb18e5f-518b-44bc-a042-ba3794ba0e6e",
  "component_uuid": "848f1dba-08bb-40dc-8bf8-354d9fe8019c"

The event value (ScanCommand) must contain all necessary information for identifying the component that shall be scanned. At the very least, it should include:

  • The component's UUID
  • The component's CPE and / or PURL

A minimal ScanCommand would be:

  "component": {
    "uuid": "848f1dba-08bb-40dc-8bf8-354d9fe8019c",
    "purl": "pkg:maven/foo/bar@1.2.3"

Internally, a ScanTask (see vuln-analysis-internal_v1.proto) will be generated for each scanner that is both:

  1. Enabled (see
  2. Capable of scanning the component

Whether a scanner is capable scanning a given component primarily depends on the component's identifiers.
While most scanners are capable of dealing with PURLs, only the internal analyzer is capable of handling CPEs.

ScanTasks are re-keyed to the "primary" identifier of the component. If a PURL is available, the coordinates (type, namespace, name, and version, but excluding qualifiers and subpaths) of it will be used. Alternatively, CPE or UUID will be used. This re-key operation is performed to ensure that tasks for the same component identity are published to the same topic partition.

Each scan task is then forwarded to the topic of the respective scanner. As the number of partitions is the means of achieving parallelism in Kafka consumers, it is expected that the partition count will differ from scanner to scanner.

OSS Index allows for batching of up to 128 PURLs per request, while Snyk requires individual PURLs to be submitted. In (local) testing, requests to OSS Index take about 600-900ms to complete, whereas requests to Snyk take about 200-400ms. In order to achieve a throughput with Snyk that is similar to what is possible with OSS Index, the Snyk topic requires a lot more partitions. The number of partitions are configurable for each scanner, see

Scanner results (ScannerResult) are re-keyed back to the ScanKey again, and published to the dtrack.vuln-analysis.scanner.result topic. A ScannerResult is an object composed of the following fields:

  • scanner: The scanner that produced this result (e.g. SCANNER_OSSINDEX)
  • status: Status of the scan (e.g. SCAN_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL)
  • vulnerabilities: Any vulnerabilities that have been identified
    • When status is SCAN_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
  • failureReason: Reason for the failure
    • When status is SCAN_STATUS_FAILED

dtrack.vuln-analysis.scanner.result is considered to be an internal topic. Third party applications should not directly consume from it, as there will be no indication of when all applicable scanners have completed for a given ScanCommand.

By observing the ScanTasks created, and the ScannerResults received, the vulnerability analyzer is able to deduce when the initial ScanCommand has been completed for all capable scanners. Once completion is detected, a ScanResult event is published to dtrack.vuln-analysis.result. A ScanResult simply is an aggregate of all ScannerResults.

Applications consuming from dtrack.vuln-analysis.result can correlate results with their initial ScanCommand based on the ScanKey.

Reported vulnerabilities are not de-duplicated. It is the responsibility of the consumer to decide what data source to prefer in case multiple scanners report the same vulnerability.

Streams topology

The vulnerability analyzer is implemented as Kafka Streams application. As such, it is possible to generate a diagram of the topology that every single event processed by application will be funnelled through.

Kafka Streams Topology