Slides for two workshops based on the book Evidence-based Software Engineering: based on the publicly available data
The slides are available in html form in the directories part-1/ and part-2/
Asciidoc is used to create a slidy presentation. The Rnw files contain the text/R used to create the slides.
To build the html files:
You need to install the program source-highlight (used by asciidoc)
change directory to part-1 or part-2
you should not need to configure the path ESEUR_dir in the ESEUR-config.r file
Start R and type (assuming you have the required packages installed):
- At the Linux command line:
To generate the cheat sheet use (treating it as markdown:)
pandoc --from=markdown --to=pdf cheat-sheet.Rnw -V geometry:a4paper,margin=1cm > cheat-sheet.pdf