Js Handler is a custom Discord Bot developed using Node.js.
This is a self hosted bot, meaning that you will need to locally host and maintain this bot!
- Clear | Clears the previous 10 messages.
- Getyt | Download Youtube Videos, mp3 files, and view video statistics.
- SetActivity | Set the bot activity presence.
- Runtime | Return the total runtime for the bot since its boot.
- Help | Display a list of all commands.
- Github | Return a custom github webpage.
- Restart | Restart the bot file.
- Quit | Force close the bot file.
1. Create a Discord Application through the Discord Developer Portal.
- After logging in, click the New Application button in the upper right hand corner.
- Name your application, and click Create.
- Click the OAuth2 section on the left hand side.
- Note / copy your CLIENT ID, this is important and we will need it for later.
- Visit the Bot section on the left hand side.
- Click the Add Bot button in the top right corner.
- Click the Yes, do it button.
- Note / copy the bot's TOKEN, this is also important and we will need it for later.
- Open command prompt.
- Locate your "Documents" folder and open the directory within your command prompt. Such as:
Cd Documents
. - Type
Git clone https://github.com/Derisorant/Discord-JS-Bot
and press enter, this will create a copy of the repository in your documents folder. - You can now close command prompt and locate the "Discord-JS-Bot" folder within your documents.
- Open the "Discord-JS-Bot" folder, then use
Shift + RightClick
and click "Open with Code". - Within vsCode, press
Ctrl + '
to open the Terminal. - Run:
Npm Install
within the terminal, this will download all the dependencies required to run the bot. - Lastly, create a new file named
in the ROOT of the directory, this is where you will store your token and clientId. - Inside the ".env" file, paste the following:
token = yourToken
andclientId = yourClientId
- Simply replace the "yourToken" and the "yourClientId" with your application's token and clientId.
After placing your token and clientId within the ".env" file, you're ready to start running the bot!
- Within the vsCode terminal, use node to run the "deploy-commands.js" file. Example:
node .\src\deploy-commands.js
. This ensures the bot commands are registered, and will need to be ran whenever you add a new command. - Now use node to run the "app.js" file. Example:
node .\src\app.js
If you want to host your bot using a service such as AWS or Render, please use the "server.js" file as the start command. The youtube tools will also not work without a "RapidAPI Key". If you plan on using the youtube tools, please refer to the following link: Youtube API