Blockchain enjoyer. Openzeppelin lover. Ethernaut solver. What can I do?
- NFT marketplace 🏬
- Music NFT 🎴
- 3D NFT 🎴
- Rentable NFT 🎴
- Upgradeable contracts 📈
- Lazy minting 🔨
- ERC20 ⚛️
- ERC721 ⚛️
- ERC1155 ⚛️
- Signatures EIP712 📑
- Wallet connection Web3 Modal 👛 (Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, Fortmatic, Portis, BurnerConnect)
- DAO Governance (Tally, Snapshot, Custom) 🗳️
- DeFi Oracle 👀
- Starknet Layer2 solutions 🌐
- ZkSync Layer2 solutions 🌐
- IPFS decentralized storage 💽
- NFT.Storage decentralized storage 💽
- Staking token ⚛️
- Token Swaps ⚛️
- OpenZeppelin Defender 🛡️ (Best command center for smart contracts)
- Founder (alternative environment for smart contracts) 🧰
- Blockchain ENV (Hardhat, Truffle, Brownie) 🏡
- Web3 functionality for smart contracts (Html, JS, TS, React) 🌐
- Smart Contract Audit Tools (Safety & Monitoring) ✅
- Solana NFT & Blockchain functionalities ✳️
- Cardano NFT ✴️
- Web3 Unity 🏬
- Blockchain Support for Discord / Telegram / Google Workspace / GitHub 📱
Speech is silver, silence is golden.
❤️ If you like things I do, give them a ⭐ and share them with others!
Languages, Tools and Interest: