Contract Name | Addresses |
Vault Contract | 0xE2386C5eF4deC9d5815C60168e36c7153ba00D0C |
Currency Contract (xNGN) | 0xee2bDAE7896910c49BeA25106B9f8e9f4B671c82 |
Feed Contract | 0x970066EE55DF2134D1b52451afb49034AE5Fa29a |
Contract Name | Addresses |
Vault Contract | 0x3d35807343CbF4fDb16E42297F2214f62848D032 |
Currency Contract (xNGN) | 0xB8747e5cce01AA5a51021989BA11aE33097db485 |
Feed Contract | 0xFBD26B871D55ba56B7a780eF1fF243Db7A3E81f4 |
Rate Contract | 0x00A0BcB0e2099f4a0564c26e24eBfA866D3235D6 |
To install libraries needed, run:
forge install
To run tests, run:
forge test -vvv --gas-report
To run slither, run:
slither .
To start a local node, run:
To run deploy the deploy script, (be sure to have the parameters in ./deployConfigs/*.json/
needed for your script populated and also have an anvil instance running), run:
forge script script/deploy.s.sol:DeployScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast
Meaning of parameters of the deploy configs
- baseRate: The base rate of the protocol, should be the per second rate, e.g 1.5% would be
((uint256(1.5e18) / uint256(100)) / uint256(365 days)
, i.e475646879
. - collaterals: collateral types
- collateralAddress: contract address of the given collateral on the given chain.
- collateralRate: The collateral rate of the given collateral on the given chain, calculated same as baseRate.
- liquidationThreshold: liquidation threshold of the given collateral, denominated in wad, where
1e18 == 100%
and0.5e18 == 50%
. - liquidationBonus: liquidation bonus of the given collateral, denominated same as liquidationThreshold.
- debtCeiling: debt ceiling of the currency for the given collateral.
- collateralFloorPerPosition: minimum amount of collateral allowed to borrow against.