Factory Design Pattern Implemented in Android
A design pattern is a formal way of documenting a solution to a design problem. Design patterns promotes reusability that leads to more robust and highly maintainable code. Java Design Patterns are divided into three categories
- Creational
- Structural
- Behavioral
Factory Pattern is Creational Design pattern.Itis used when we have a parent class with multiple child classes and based on input, we need to return one of the child-class.
#Factory Class: Here is the basic implementation of Factory Class.
public class CarFactory {
public static Car getCar(Cars type) {
if (type == CarsConst.maruti800) {
return new MarutiCar();
} else if (type == CarsConst.alto) {
return new AltoCar();
} else if (type == CarsConst.swift){
return new SwiftCar();
return null;