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Releases: DestinyTheGame/anubis


26 Mar 10:49
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Stability Pre-release

Guardian lookup

We've prevented more perks from showing up in the UI. We no longer crash when a user doesn't have a recovery stat (think blade dancer with blink). And other minor stuff like this.

Bungie Account

This release comes with a fix for a major edge case. If you changed your Bungie profile name to something completely different than your account name the application just stopped working. We've managed to diagnose the issue after weeks.. (sorry lyncher!) but it's now finally fixed.


The Bungie account bug showed highlighted an important issue with the app and that is the lack of debug information. When bugs like this happen and I have no way of reproducing it on my own machine it's quite hard (read impossible) to debug what is going on and how to fix it. Starting from 0.0.16 I'm now writing an anubis.log file to the application directory which contains valuable debug information about what is happening with the application. It's overridden everytime you start the application so it doesn't grow too big in terms of file size. The debug file can be found:

  • Windows: The Anubis folder -> resources -> app -> anubis.log
  • Mac OSX: The Anubis.App file -> Right click -> Show Package Contents -> Contents -> Resources -> app -> anubis.log

Thanks all for reporting the bugs and helping with diagnosing the bugs. The development of the app has slowed down a bit last week due to personal issues (I bought a new house, selling my current one). But the current focus is adding Twitch support.

Improving the stat lookups

17 Mar 14:35
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Update to stat search

We updated our stats look up to automatically check the opponents inventory every 10 seconds after you've searched them. This allows you to visually see when your opponent is changing their loadout during the matches.

By default we searched for Playstations guardians, we added an option in the settings panel to switch for Xbox users instead.

Weapon usage

We've added bar charts at the background of the weapons, this will give you an indication if they use the weapon often during the matches so you can easily pick out the sidearm warriors. When you click on the weapon that has the graphs as background you will receive more detailed information about the weapon usage for the given trials week and on the map itself.

Dangerous perks

We started highlighting perks on weapons that give the opponent an advantage in gun fights against you. They are highlighted with our base purple. Things like rifled barrel, luck in the chamber, rangefinder hand cannons and aggressive ballistic full range shotguns can now easily be spotted.

More stats

We've added the win ratio, amount of games played, and times flawless to the search as well which should give you a better overall picture of the opponents abilities.

Authentication is driving me nuts

13 Mar 10:24
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We're skipping 0.0.13 and going straight to 0.0.14 because of reasons.


Authentication continues to be a pain in the ass. Fixed an issue where closing the authentication process would throw an error instead of just gracefully closing the application. We also discovered a bug where the auth process was not responding to "Approve" click on We downgraded the software we're using to make the app tick, so that will hopefully fix that glitch. If you still have issues with authenticating y our Bungie account please slap me around in discord.


When Trials of Osiris is done for the week we will present a count down timer for next weeks event. The timer will automatically disappear once Trials starts and will be replaced with the map of the week.


More minor UI changes have been made to make the rest of app look and feel like one consistent experience.

New design, Windows fixes

12 Mar 13:56
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New design

New design, so don't be shocked when you open the application. It goes max width/height automatically but don't worry, it can still be resized. Notable changes in the UI is that the menu is now hidden by default and can be trigged by pressing the hamburger menu icon in the left top. The design also ensures that your trials card is always present on all the views of the application. In addition to that we now display the map as soon as we know it.

destiny trials report

We've teamed up with the folks of the destiny trials report site and are now allowed to use their data. So when you look up guardians the biggest K/D is their weekly K/D and the small one is the overall K/D. Reasoning for this is that its easier to see account recoveries and how people are playing on the given map.

In the next week more information will be added to the lookups.

Windows & general stability

If you are using windows, this release comes with a bunch of fixes. I finally got around to install a window VM on my Mac so i'm able to test some of the bugs you guys we're reporting in the discord channel. This release fixes the following bugs:

  • Logout button is now working.
  • oAuth is now less strict and shouldn't be complaining that much when you try to sign in.

In addition to that I've made a lot of stability fixes under the hood. When you were disconnected from the internet the app would just stop working as I forgot to timeout requests... oops.. so i've reworked my API logic and it should work as intended now.

Anyways, take this release for a spin. If I broke shit again, yell really hard at me and i'll get it fixed. <3

The one with lookups

03 Mar 23:00
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The one with lookups Pre-release

This release adds a new working feature to Anubis, the ability to lookup guardians you are competing against in the Trials of Osiris. This functionality can be found at the guardian page and the in the sidebar of the twitch panel. Simply enter the name of an opponent and we'll search his fireteam and loadout and present it.

But this release doesn't just ship with new features, it also contains a lot of internal re-organization of the styling to make it faster and more efficient to develop the application.

Summary of the changes:

  • Fixed a bug where logging out of Anubis prevented the app for starting up again and instantly closing down.
  • Refactored internal styling so we can hot reload it
  • Cleaned up layout for larger char lookup.
  • Fixed tooltip not showing up in config page.
  • Added and weapons to large view of lookups.

Fix for the Bungie Auth issues

25 Feb 01:03
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As you might have noticed, shit is broken. Bungie has revoked all accessTokens because of the CloudFlare security vulnerability. This highlighted a critical bug in our code where it wasn't correctly asking for authentication.

This release now checks at the start of the application if we can request an accessToken, if not, we'll restart the authorization process. In addition to that we also fixed the logout button.

Trials Report Progress

18 Feb 12:09
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Trials Report

We've made great progress into looking up guardians and presenting information about them and their fireteam in the UI. This is heavy work in progress and there is still a lot of information missing like gear but having some information is better than nothing. So expect many more changes in the upcoming releases.

Trials Card

The Boldness boon is now correctly colored at the start of a card when we're faking our boons. In addition to that the fake boons are now longer applied if you already have bought the boons your self.

New settings page UI

05 Feb 16:12
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New settings page UI Pre-release


In the previous releases we allowed you to configure the layout of the overlay using query strings. These features have been moved to the settings page. There are now toggles that allow you to show/hide mercy, show everything in a single line and what not. So in order to upgrade:

  1. Open the settings page
  2. Flip the switches of the UI changes you want to have in your overlay
  3. Done.


The biggest part of this release is another set of UI changes. I have revamped the settings page to have a new CSS editor column with syntax highlighting and what not to make it easier to style the trials dots to your own needs. In addition to that, I have removed the checkboxes and buttons in favor of toggles that instantly apply your changes.

If you need help with CSS changes, feel free to reach out on our discord channel. Thanks all for the feedback and bug reports. Love you all <3


03 Feb 15:47
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Configuration Pre-release

Today brings a change so massively that previous stability cannot be guaranteed as this release is out before trials is released. This means that final testing cannot be done. Having that said, this release brings important and much-anticipated features that were requested by you, our users.


This release breaths live into the settings page. It currently features 2 options that can be configured:

  1. css This allows you to inject custom CSS styling in the overlay page and change the look and feel of the trials dots. The changes are applied in real-time when you press the OK button, the layout should change instantly. If you need help with altering the layout feel free to reach out in our discord channel.
  2. boon Fake boons, no need to buy boons if you are doing carries. This faking feature attempts to simulate what happened to your card if you bought the boons. Press the checkbox, hit OK and you should be ready to go.


We finally have a somewhat decent loading screen. Looks are important, right?

The one with the inline option

16 Jan 17:22
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Shortly after releasing 0.0.5 the request was made to allow boons and losses to be presented behind the wins. I've added a new option to the query string support that was added 0.0.5:

  • &inline=true this forces all wins, losses, boons to go on a single line in the overlay.