Adds a couple new status effects and gives your citizens reason to eat and drink
If you need any information about my script,
if you found a bug, if you have an idea for the
next version, or if you simply need some help.
Feel free to join our Discord
Currently, this script only works with VORP.
In the near future this script will also be
compatible with RedEmRP.
Every second your hunger and thirst will drop
according to your moving status, and the settings
set in the config. If you are running you use more
water and food than when your idle, same thing for
walking. Once your hunger or thirst gets lower then
the set minimum threshold, you start to take damage
to the healths inner core. Once the heaths inner core
has been depleted, you start to take damage to your
healths outer core. This is also the moment when you
start to receive warnings about your vitals.
Easy to configure config.
Very Customizable
Lower food and/or thirst when running.
Lower food and/or thirst when walking.
Lower food and/or thirst when standing idle.
Set lower or higher value for hunger
Set lower or higher value for thirst
Set lower or higher value for Stamina
Boost Stamina outer core (Gold)
Boost Stamina inner core (Gold)
TriggerEvent('DevDokus:Metabolism:C:Hunger', value)
TriggerEvent('DevDokus:Metabolism:C:Thirst', value)
TriggerEvent('DevDokus:Metabolism:C:Health', value)
TriggerEvent('DevDokus:Metabolism:C:Stamina', value)
TriggerEvent('DevDokus:Metabolism:C:StaminaInner', value)
TriggerEvent('DevDokus:Metabolism:C:StaminaOuter', value)
Although the basics of this plugin are finished,
I am still working on expanding it in the coming
months. If you want to be able to upgrade to the
latest update, I would recommend leaving this
script unchanged. If you make changes, you have
to redo these changes if you update to the latest
version of this script!
Other than that you are free to use this script
and make changes to it. Just make sure you put
my name and GitHub link in your upload.
Have fun everyone :)
SirFreddie For the hud we use.