This example demonstrates how to create a column's template, add a rating control to the template, and configure the grid's cell edit functionality in batch mode.
Follow the steps below to configure the grid's edit functionality for templated cells in batch mode:
Create the Grid View control, set its Mode property to
, and enable the AllowRegularDataItemTemplate property.<dx:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server" KeyFieldName="ID" ClientInstanceName="grid" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1"> <!-- ... --> <SettingsEditing Mode="Batch"> <BatchEditSettings EditMode="Cell" AllowRegularDataItemTemplate="true" StartEditAction="FocusedCellClick" /> </SettingsEditing> <ClientSideEvents BatchEditStartEditing="OnBatchEditStartEditing" BatchEditEndEditing="OnBatchEditEndEditing" FocusedCellChanging="OnFocusedCellChanging" Init="OnGridInit" /> </dx:ASPxGridView>
Specify a column's DataItemTemplate and EditItemTemplate properties, add rating controls to the templates, and specify their
properties.<DataItemTemplate> <dx:ASPxRatingControl ID="ratingControl" runat="server" ClientInstanceName='<%# "DataItemRateControl"+ Container.VisibleIndex %>' ItemCount="5" Value='<%# Convert.ToInt32(Eval("RatingValue")) %>'> <ClientSideEvents ItemClick="OnItemMouseClick_DataItem" ItemMouseOver="OnItemMouseOver_DataItem" ItemMouseOut="OnItemMouseOut_DataItem" /> </dx:ASPxRatingControl> </DataItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <dx:ASPxRatingControl ID="ratingControl" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="EditItemRateControl" ItemCount="5"> <ClientSideEvents ItemClick="OnItemMouseClick_EditItem" Init="OnRateControlInit_EditItem" /> </dx:ASPxRatingControl> </EditItemTemplate>
Handle the grid's client-side BatchEditStartEditing event to assign the edit value to the rating control. To save this value when editing ends, handle the grid's client-side BatchEditEndEditing event.
function OnBatchEditStartEditing(s, e) { EditItemRateControl.SetValue(e.rowValues[s.GetColumnByField("RatingValue").index].value); } function OnBatchEditEndEditing(s, e) { var templateColumn = s.GetColumnByField("RatingValue"); if (!e.rowValues.hasOwnProperty(templateColumn.index)) return; var cellInfo = e.rowValues[templateColumn.index]; cellInfo.value = EditItemRateControl.GetValue(); SetRateControlValueByRowIndex_DataItem(e.visibleIndex, cellInfo.value); }
For rating controls, handle their client-side
events and do the following in handlers:- Call the grid's EndEdit method to finish editing after a user clicks a rating control item in the edit item template.
- Call the grid's SetCellValue method to assign a new value to a rating control item in the data item template.
function OnItemMouseClick_EditItem(s, e) { grid.batchEditApi.EndEdit(); } function OnItemMouseClick_DataItem(s, e) { grid.batchEditApi.SetCellValue(currentFocusedCell.itemVisibleIndex, currentFocusedCell.column.index, s.GetValue()); }
To add keyboard navigation to the grid, handle the grid's client-side
event and add aKeyDown
event handler. In this handler, process key codes as follows:function OnGridInit(s, e) { ASPxClientUtils.AttachEventToElement(s.GetMainElement(), "keydown", function (evt) { return OnKeyDown(evt, s); }); } function OnGridViewKeyDown(evt, grid) { if (typeof (event) != "undefined" && event != null) evt = event; if (!grid.InCallback() && NeedProcessDocumentKeyDown(evt)) { if (evt.shiftKey && evt.keyCode == 9 /*Shift + tab */) { setTimeout(function () { grid.batchEditApi.MoveFocusBackward(); }, 0); } else if (evt.keyCode == 9 /*Tab key*/) { setTimeout(function () { grid.batchEditApi.MoveFocusForward(); }, 0); } } }
To add keboard navigation to the rating control, handle its client-side
event as described in the previous step.
- Default.aspx (VB: Default.aspx)
- Default.aspx.cs (VB: Default.aspx.vb)
- BatchEditController.js (VB: BatchEditController.js)
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