Scikit learn is a library used to perform machine learning in Python. Scikit learn is an open source library.
- The words of the data
- The obtained words in to their vector form
- Then putting them in a stack and predict accordingly
Now let's get started with how to implement this on any given dataset
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import nltk
data_source_url = "data.csv"
data = pd.read_csv(data_source_url)
Data preprocessing will be done according to the given dataset, like removal of null or zero values or normalization etc according to the data provided.
for i in range(len(message)):
review=re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]',' ',message['title'][i])
review=[ps.stem(word) for word in review if not word in stopwords.words('english')]
review=' '.join(review)
This will give you the list of sentences preprocessed so that it can be converted in to the vector form which can be done by using one_hot and pad_sequences provided in the keras.
After getting these now we wil divide the dependent and independent variables and can predict accordingly