- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Microservices-architecture (Spring Boot - Java Framework)
- Microservices Communication using Feign client as REST client
- Docker staging and pom.xml profiles (dev, test, prod environments)
- Mysql-database
- Postgresql-database
- Spring Boot (back-end)
- Angular (front-end)
- Platform-Provided Service Discovery (Deployment infrastructure take care of service discovery)
- Service-discovery (Docker-DNS)
- API-gateway (NGINX)
- Using NGINX in the backend as a reverse proxy
- Using NGINX in the frontend as a web server for displaying the static content of the dist folder
- Shell Scripting
- 3 types of artifacts:
- The first type of artifacts: npm base image (npm dependencies download acceleration) published on Docker Hub
- The first type of artifacts: mvn base image (mvn dependencies download acceleration) published on Docker Hub
- The second type of artifacts: publish the application as a runnable JAR file on the GitHub Packages repository
- The third type of artifacts: publishing the application’s Docker image on Docker Hub
- Heroku
Start Docker Daemon: If you're using Docker for Windows, Then simply start the desktop app installed in:
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Docker Desktop.exe
Position yourself using Git Bash in the folder where docker-compose.yml
file is:
Mapping environment variables from the environment file to the docker-compose.yml file (Check how your docker-compose.yml will finally look like, after environment variables substitution). Building container images can also be achieved using docker compose. Before running any docker compose command you should always check configuration using the following command:
Mapping environment variables from the dev environment file to the docker-compose.yml file
docker-compose --env-file config/.env.dev config
Mapping environment variables from the test environment file to the docker-compose.test.yml file
docker-compose --env-file config/.env.test config
Mapping environment variables from the prod environment file to the docker-compose.prod.yml file
docker-compose --env-file config/.env.prod config
To setup an infrastructure for development environment run the following command in Git Bash:
docker-compose --env-file config/.env.dev up --build
To setup an infrastructure for test environment run the following command:
docker-compose --env-file config/.env.test -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.test.yml up --build
To setup an infrastructure for production environment run the following command:
docker-compose --env-file config/.env.prod -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up --build
Docker-compose services/containers listing (one service one container)
docker-compose ps
docker ps
GET http://localhost:8080/api/product/hello
Hello from product service with ip address!
GET http://localhost:8080/api/shop/hello
Hello from shop service with ip address!
Hello from report service with ip address!
To destroy infrastructure run the following command in Git Bash:
docker-compose down -v
Automatically remove (delete) Docker images
docker image prune -a
The first type of artifacts: npm base image (npm dependencies download acceleration) published on Docker Hub
Build npm base image
docker image build -f Dockerfile.base -t stevicdule/npm-base-agent-frontend:1.0.0-dev .
Push your npm base image to Docker Hub
docker push stevicdule/npm-base-agent-frontend:1.0.0-dev
The first type of artifacts: mvn base image (mvn dependencies download acceleration) published on Docker Hub
Build mvn base image
docker image build -f Dockerfile.base --build-arg STAGE=dev -t stevicdule/mvn-base-agent-product:1.0.0-dev .
docker image build -f Dockerfile.base --build-arg STAGE=dev -t stevicdule/mvn-base-agent-report:1.0.0-dev .
docker image build -f Dockerfile.base --build-arg STAGE=dev -t stevicdule/mvn-base-agent-shop:1.0.0-dev .
Push your mvn base image to Docker Hub
docker push stevicdule/mvn-base-agent-product:1.0.0-dev
docker push stevicdule/mvn-base-agent-report:1.0.0-dev
docker push stevicdule/mvn-base-agent-shop:1.0.0-dev