The self-taught projects
I follow the latest trends & technology in the market. I make sure my code is of production quality.
Special thanks to the countless researchers
and developers
around the world and
their open-source code, particularly Swift/ Objective-C-based open-source code!
- This is a cross-platform application in SwiftUI.
- We create an iOS app and reuse some of its components to create an iPad, macOS app.
Expecially, integreting and consuming a TutorialAbout swift package for the about us tab screen:
For more details, see: README
- This is a document-based app/ purely macOS application.
- The app allows users to: write formatted text quickly and easily.
And it can be converted into HTML for displaying but is much more convenient to write and edit,
with: The HTML preview, a toolbar, menus, and allow app to use either ".md/ .markdown/ .mdown" for the file extensions. - Currently, the application supports 2 languages: English and Vietnamese.
The HTML preview and a Settings window for the ability to change the editor font size:
A completely new menu - StyleSheet for change to a different stylesheet:
A Toolbar: controls to switch between three preview models: web, HTML, off - hidden.
Expecially, on macOS 12 or above, using AttributedString that could be formatted using Markdown and make the text inside Text views selectable.
⭐ Please give me a STAR! ⭐
- Swift-MarkdownKit for coverting Markdown to HTML
- Markdown Here
- .MARKDOWN File Extension
- Daring Fireball - Markdown