This class scans folders and prefabs in Resources folder and then generates a C# script that contains enums based on it.
So you can create prefab like this with a single drag'n drop:
This is designed specifically for my side scroller project.
- Compared to Asset Bundle or Addressable, this is more suitable for personal learning projects.
- I made this in order to streamline the process of registering and creating prefabs.
- You can see the whole code from 3D-Side-Scroller.
- Place any prefab you want to access at runtime through AssetManager.cs into the Resources folder.
- Based on the structure, After clicking Save Prefabs Button in your custom editor, a corresponding Prefab.cs file will be automatically generated.
- Now you can create your prefabs by calling
AssetManager.GetPrefab(enum prefabName);
- Prefabs placed in the General folder will be automatically added to the editor UI, allowing you to drag and drop them into the scene. (See LevelEditorUI.cs for details.)