Releases: DeveloppeurPascal/LeTempsDUneTomate
Version 1.3 - 20240626
The settings are now on screen with nothing hard coded. The program can be used.
Not tested on Windows & Linux, it probably won't work because we still use ShellExecute to open ffmpeg command instead of waiting for it's end.
The program is working on macOS but I can't share the binary for license reasons (the current graphical font can't be shared). I'll find a solution in the future.
The source code are available if you want to "play with it" or adapt it to your needs.
Version 1.1 - 20240531
Pas mal de changements dont la prise en charge d'une notion de projet et de paramètres de configuration.
La mise à jour d'une série de vidéo peut se faire en complétant par création des fichiers manquants sans tout remouliner.
La prochaine version devrait pouvoir se greffer sur YT Video Series sans difficulté.
Release 1.0 - 20240524
First release of the code source and project to test at home. No available binaries because the assets used on my part are licensed by Adobe Stock and I can't share them this way, but perhaps a future release, who knows ?
The program has absolute paths to my macOS drive, it has to be changed if you want to use it.
I use FFmpeg command line interface. The commands will be explained in the doc with other things done for this project.