pos-js is a Javascript port of Mark Watson's FastTag Part of Speech Tagger which was itself based on Eric Brill's trained rule set and English lexicon. It also includes a basic lexer that can be used to extract words and other tokens from text strings. Originally this was written by Percy Wegmann and is available on Google code.
This fork adds TypeScript support to a fork made by Darius Kazemi which added Node.JS and npm support.
Click here to check demo or checkout samples and demo source.
npm install @devil7softwares/pos
yarn add @devil7softwares/pos
import { Lexer, Tagger, TagType } from '@devil7softwares/pos';
const lexer = new Lexer();
const tagger = new Tagger();
const words = lexer.lex('This is some sample text. This text can contain multiple sentences.');
const taggedWords = tagger.tag(words);
for (const [word, tag] of taggedWords) {
console.log(word + ' /' + tag);
jspos is licensed under the GNU LGPLv3
Thanks to Mark Watson for writing FastTag, which served as the basis for jspos.
Tag | Description | Example |
CC | Coord Conjuncn | and,but,or |
CD | Cardinal number | one,two |
DT | Determiner | the,some |
EX | Existential there | there |
FW | Foreign Word | mon dieu |
IN | Preposition | of,in,by |
JJ | Adjective | big |
JJR | Adj., comparative | bigger |
JJS | Adj., superlative | biggest |
LS | List item marker | 1,One |
MD | Modal | can,should |
NN | Noun, sing. or mass | dog |
NNP | Proper noun, sing. | Edinburgh |
NNPS | Proper noun, plural | Smiths |
NNS | Noun, plural | dogs |
POS | Possessive ending | 's |
PDT | Predeterminer | all, both |
PRP$ | Possessive pronoun | my,one's |
PRP | Personal pronoun | I,you,she |
RB | Adverb | quickly |
RBR | Adverb, comparative | faster |
RBS | Adverb, superlative | fastest |
RP | Particle | up,off |
SYM | Symbol | +,%,& |
TO | 'to' | to |
UH | Interjection | oh, oops |
VB | verb, base form | eat |
VBD | verb, past tense | ate |
VBG | verb, gerund | eating |
VBN | verb, past part | eaten |
VBP | Verb, present | eat |
VBZ | Verb, present | eats |
WDT | Wh-determiner | which,that |
WP | Wh pronoun | who,what |
WP$ | Possessive-Wh | whose |
WRB | Wh-adverb | how,where |
, | Comma | , |
. | Sent-final punct | . ! ? |
: | Mid-sent punct. | : ; Ñ |
$ | Dollar sign | $ |
# | Pound sign | # |
" | quote | " |
( | Left paren | ( |
) | Right paren | ) |
See TagTypes.ts