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Easy Rider

This project aims to ease the pain of running the cardano-node. It is advised to use mithril-client to download the snapshot from which it is a lot faster to bootstrap cardano-node. Easy Rider merges these two steps into one and provides options to run cardano-node on all three networks: mainnet, preprod or preview.


You can download Easy Rider binary from the release (page)[].

Run the --help to view available network options.

./easy-rider run-node --help

Once started easy-rider will use mithril-client under the hood to download and verify cardano snapshot and then start the cardano-node. The easiest is to start the binary from the location of the cloned repo since needed configuration files for mithril and cardano-node are already there.

When you start easy-rider it will use mithril to download, verify and unpack the snapshot into a db folder. If the db folder is present at the root of the project easy-rider will NOT run mithril. It will assume your db is already in sync so you need to make sure to use the same network again or delete the db folder.


  • Run cardano-node and sync it as fast as possible
  • Provide option to submit a transaction to local running cardano-node
  • Run Hydra


  • Use mithril to speed up the node sync time
  • Run local cardano-node on specified network

For dApp builders

If you use nix (hopefully) then using this app is a breeze since you have all of the dependencies in scope in a nix shell.

nix develop

cabal run easy-rider

You can also build and load docker images using nix:

nix build .#docker-easy-rider

docker load < result

If you don't use nix then you need to provide the dependencies yourself. The app depends on mithril-client 2337.0, cardano-node 8.1.2, ghc 9.2.8 and cabal 3.0.