- Temporary Deployed Link (for 2.0): https://r-blocks.vercel.app/
- IT Deployed Link: https://sliao.people.amherst.edu/r-blocks/
This page has a globally deployed web-application which helps folks learn R by an interactive Block-Based interface using the API integration of Google Blockly and rdrr.io with the support of HTML/CSS, JavaScript and ReactJS prepared by Dhyey Mavani'25 and Liam Davis '27 under instruction of Professor Shu-Min Liao and Dr. Andy Anderson.
Technologies used:
- Amherst College IT Department: https://www.amherst.edu/offices/it
- Google Blockly: https://developers.google.com/blockly/
- rdrr.io API: https://rdrr.io/ for R Console