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Hentai Games Folder

DiamondCoder edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 2 revisions

You can add a folder where you store your games, and it will automatically add them to the database

Sadly it only supports a specific format. for now...

  1. You set a folder where you store your games

  2. You save your games in a specific format inside that folder: It must look like this:

    • fileName: {type}-{gameId}_{gameName}_{gameVersion} {anythingElseYouWant}
    • Example: f95-696969_Good Game, try me_v12.31 DeveloperAndStuffMaybeNotes
fileName explanation
type The website the game is from. If it's from f95zone, you write "f95".
"man" - manually / "f95" - f95zone / "steam" - steam / "dls" - dlsite
gameId The ID from the websites. If the game is manually added, you must give an ID, but must be unique
gameName The name of the game, only here where spaces are allowed
gameVersion The version of the game you have donwloaded.
This is the one that get's compared when checking for online version.
anythingElse If you have any note of the game, you can write anything after all of this
  1. If everything is correctly, the program will automatically add the game to the database It will also check for updates if the game is from online site
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