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Mesosphere Enterprise DC/OS is a comprehensive platform for building, running and scaling modern enterprise applications based on Apache Mesos. It provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications or frameworks. This software enables resource sharing in a fine-grained manner, improving cluster utilization.

When customers run Mesosphere Enterprise DC/OS on HPE, they can expect to achieve greater agility, efficiency, and resilience. HPE and Mesosphere are working together to enable the ease of deployment and management of their joint solution using OneView as the focal point of integration.

Solution Overview

This solution uses Ansible to automate and therefore dramatically speed up the deployment of a small cluster of Mesosphere DC/OS nodes on HPE infrastructure. The project was deployed in two phases. HPE C7000 BladeSystem was leveraged for this solution in phase 1; in phase 2 we used HPE Synergy. The Ansible playbook allows the user to deploy a cluster of three DC/OS master nodes, one DC/OS public agent node, and two DC/OS private agent nodes.

Solution Components


The following hardware components were utilized:

Component Purpose
HPE ProLiant BL460cGen8 Blades DC/OS master and agent nodes (Phase 1)
HPE ProLian BL460c Gen9 Blade Bootstrap node (Phase 1)
HPE SY480 Gen9 All nodes (Phase 2)

Software Stack

The following software components were utilized:

Component Version
Mesosphere DC/OS 1.8.8 (Phase 1)
1.9 (Phase 2)
Ansible 2.2
Python 2.7.9
HPE OneView 3.00.05 (Phase 1)
3.00.07 (Phase 2)
HPE Insight Control server provisioning (ICsp) 7.6 (Phase 1)
Image Streamer 3.00.05 (Phase 2)
Ansible module for HPE OneView 3.1.1

Mesosphere DC/OS

In phase 1, we used OpenSource DC/OS version 1.8.8 and 1.9.

In phase 2, we used Enterprise DC/OS version 1.9

Management Software Stack

HPE OneView

HPE OneView 3.00.05 running as a VMware appliance was used during this integration work for phase 1. Enclosure was imported, server hardware and VirtualConnect interconnect modules discovered.

For phase 2, we used HPE Composer (powered by HPE OneView) V3.00.07, and a Synergy 12000 composed of 3 frames. The frames were equipped with two Image Streamer module V3.00.05.


For the C-Class implementation (phase 1), HPE Insight Control Server Provisioning 7.6.0 running as a VMware appliance was used during this integration work. For the second phase, we did not use ICsp. A Windows based Media server was also setup to host OS distribution.


The Ansible module for HPE OneView requires at least Python 2.7.9. We installed this side by side with the system Python library using the following instructions:

Step1: Install GCC

Firstly, make sure that you have gcc package installed on your system. Use following command to install gcc if you don't have it installed.

yum install gcc

Step 2: Download Python2.7

Download Python using following command from python official site. You can also download latest version in place of specified below.

cd /opt
wget --no-check-certificate

Step 3: Extract Archive and Compile

Use below set of commands to extract Python source code and compile it on your system using altinstall.

tar -xvf Python-2.7.13.tgz
cd Python-2.7.13
make altinstall # make altinstall is used to prevent replacing the default python binary file /usr/bin/python.

Step 4: Check the Python Version

Check the latest version installed of python using below command

$ python2.7 -V
Python 2.7.13

HPE OneView SDK for Python

The HPE OneView SDK for Python is also a requirement. It can be installed using the following instructions:

git clone
cd python-hpOneView
sudo python2.7 install

Composable Infrastructure Pack for Mesosphere DC/OS

This pack available from HPE Github bundles a set of tools used to build the entire solution

  • Kickstart file for CentOS 7.2 and RedHat 7.2 (used for C-Class only)
  • ICsp script for loading SSH key in target OS (used for C-Class only)
  • Ansible playbooks and associated scripts for deploying the above and also the DC/OS components
  • Artifact Bundle to load in Synergy Image Streamer (used for Synergy only)

You can simply clone the repo using:

cd ~
git clone


We used Ansible 2.2.0 on a CentOS 7 system (virtual machine), which we call the Ansible Station throughout the document.

Ansible Module for HPE OneView/ICsp

The latest OneView module for Ansible was used. It can be installed with the following instructions:

cd ~
git clone
export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=~/oneview-ansible/library

Proof-of-concept lab environment - C7000 (Phase 1)

Compute resource configuration

HPE assembled a proof-of-concept lab environment for DCOS which consists of 9xBL460 server (8xGen8 and 1xGen9) in a C-Class Blade C7000 enclosure. The C7000 enclosure was configured with VirtualConnect interconnect modules.

Storage configuration

THE HPE servers were configured to use local storage using the local SmartArray controller. Each server was configured with a single disk, in a RAID 0 configuration.

Network configuration

The following network configuration was implemented:

The router in the lab was configured to route between all networks. It is also configured with a DHCP Proxy Agent, so that a single DHCP Server ( is able to distribute IP addresses in different scopes, one for each network. This server also provides a role of name server (DNS), with forwarder enabled to the internet. DHCP is also set to automatically register/unregister names in the DNS server.

Notes: HPE servers are provisioned in the lab with DHCP. In a production environment, it is recommended to assign DHCP reservations, to make sure that IP addresses of the target DC/OS nodes will never change. This is required because DC/OS identifies machines by IP.

The network environment needs to be able to access the Internet during the provisioning of the cluster. This is the case of our lab and each network has direct access to Internet. Internet access was setup using an IPCop appliance running on VMware ( IPCop was also used to provide VPN access to the lab environment.

Notes: Configuration will need to be adapted if operations are performed behind a corporate firewall.

HPE OneView configuration

In HPE OneView we have created the networks required for the desired configuration (See diagram in chapter Network configuration)

We then configured a Server Profile Template for each type of nodes with the following details:

  • Bootstrap Node: 2 network connections (Deployment and Protected Zone), BL460 Gen9

  • Master Node: 2 network connections (Deployment and Protected Zone), BL460 Gen8

  • Agent Node: 2 network connections (Deployment and Private Zone), BL460 Gen8

  • Public Agent Node: 2 network connections (Deployment and Public DMZ), BL460 Gen8

Notes: Although we created those Server Profile Templates manually, chapter Full infrastructure as code shows how to create those artifacts with code

HPE ICsp Configuration

In Phase 1, we used ICsp (Insight Control Server Provisioning) to perform unattended installation of Operating Systems on target nodes. DC/OS currently supports running on CoreOS, CentOS, and RHEL. To appeal to the widest audience and simplify configuration, CentOS was chosen for this proof of concept.So we started from a standard RedHat 7.2 OS Build plan and adapted this to deploy CentOS 7.2 instead.

The following changes were implemented in the custom CentOS build plan:

  1. Populate CentOS distro in ICsp Media server as /centos72-x64

  2. Copy RedHat 7.2 Kickstart configuration file as CentOS 7.2 x64 en_us Kickstart

  3. Edit CentOS 7.2 x64 en_us Kickstart and cut/paste the kickstart file provided as part of the Pack

  4. Create a new script called DCOS - Install SSH Key and cut/paste content from script provided as part of the Pack

  5. Edit Step6 of OS build plan and change Parameter to: @__OPSW-Media-LinURI@/centos72-x64

  6. Edit Step7 of OS build plan and change to use CentOS 7.2 x64 en_us Kickstart created in step 2 and 3

  7. Add a final step in OS build plan called, DCOS - Install SSH Key which calls the Unix script created in step 4

This OS build plan called DCOS - CentOS 7.2 x64 Scripted Install is used for the building of all our nodes in the cluster

Notes: Later on during the development of the solution we also validated the deployment on RHEL 7.2. The Kickstart file for RHEL7.2 is also provided in the solution. You can choose between CentOS 7.2 or RHEL7.2, by simply changing the ICsp OS build plan in the custom group_vars files

iLO Configuration

All iLO of servers involved in the DC/OS cluster should be set with a common administrative account. There are scripts to do this, leveraging the Single Sign On (SSO) from OneView and iLO of managed server-hardware (

Ansible configuration

We configured an ansible.cfg configuration file with the following parameters:

log_path = /root/log/dcos_play.log  
callback_whitelist = profile_tasks  
library = /root/oneview-ansible/library/  
host_key_checking = False  
inventory = hosts  
roles_path = roles  
forks = 50  
  • log_path allows us to get a log of each Playbook run in a log file

  • callback_whitelist allows to get information about time spent in each play during the run.

  • library points to where we installed the OneView Python library (see chapter Python library).

  • inventory points to the file in the local folder, which contains the definition of our environment to build

  • roles_path is the local folder where our 2 roles (dcos-node and hpe-oneview-server) are located

  • forks was changed to 50 (default is 5) to allow more parallelism during task execution

The solution uses a group_var/all configuration file which has to be customized as explained below:

# DCOS Settings  
DCOS_GENERATE_CONFIG_PATH: '/root/dcos-cache/'  

It is recommended to cache the file which is a big file. DCOS_GENERATE_CONFIG_PATH sets the location of the cached file on the Ansible Station. DCOS_CLUSTER_NAME sets the DC/OS Cluster name. The Boostrap URL is used by all nodes to install DC/OS

Notes: This allows to easily change the version of the DC/OS software to use for the installation.

The following variables apply to ICsp:

icsp:                     # ICsp appliance IP Address  
icsp_username: Administrator           # ICsp user name  
icsp_password: <YourPasswordGoesHere>  # ICsp password  
  - SSH_CERT: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"

Notes: The SSH_CERT points to the public SSH key to be used by Ansible.

The next section set username and password for iLOs of servers in the environment:

#iLO Credentials  
server_username: demopaq                 # iLO credentials for the target server that will be registered in ICsp  
server_password: <YourPasswordGoesHere>  # iLO password  

Next, we define the DNS domain name and the DNS server IP address:

# Network Settings  
domain_name: ""

Finally we define the properties of the 2 interfaces, which shall be set to use DHCP:

  hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"   
  domain: "{{ domain_name }}"  
    - macAddress: "{{ server_profile.connections[0].mac }}"  
      enabled: true   
      dhcpv4: true  
      vlanid: -1  
    - macAddress: "{{ server_profile.connections[1].mac }}"  
      enabled: true  
      dhcpv4: true   
      ipv6Autoconfig: false  

In addition to the group_vars/all, we have servers specific configuration files to store the name of the OneView server profile to use, the ICsp OS Build plan to execute and the role of each server group. We have a file for each type of server:

  • group_vars/dcos-bootstrap
# OneView Settings  
ov_template: 'DCOS Bootstrap Node'  
os_build_plan: 'DCOS - RHEL 7.2 x64 Scripted Install'  
#os_build_plan: 'DCOS - CentOS 7.2 x64 Scripted Install' 
  • group_vars/dcos-masters
# OneView Settings  
ov_template: 'DCOS Master Node'  
os_build_plan: 'DCOS - RHEL 7.2 x64 Scripted Install'  
#os_build_plan: 'DCOS - CentOS 7.2 x64 Scripted Install'  
node_type: 'master'
  • group_vars/dcos-private-agents
# OneView Settings  
ov_template: 'DCOS Private Agent Node'   
os_build_plan: 'DCOS - RHEL 7.2 x64 Scripted Install'  
#os_build_plan: 'DCOS - CentOS 7.2 x64 Scripted Install'  
node_type: 'slave'
  • group_vars/dcos-public-agents
# OneView Settings  
ov_template: 'DCOS Public Agent Node'  
os_build_plan: 'DCOS - RHEL 7.2 x64 Scripted Install'  
#os_build_plan: 'DCOS - CentOS 7.2 x64 Scripted Install'  
node_type: 'slave_public'

The details about the HPE OneView appliance to use can be found in a configuration file called: oneview_config.json. This is where we set the IP address, API Version and credentials to the HPE OneView appliance.

Mesosphere DC/OS

We downloaded the DC/OS software from:

The file is cached on the Ansible station in a folder. By default the script looks for it in /root/dcos-cache. This is configured in group_vars/all

Using HPE Composable Infrastructure to provision DC/OS Cluster

HPE's composable infrastructure provides an unified API that uses modern REST protocols to create, aggregate, and host internal IT resources so automation tools can provision on-demand and pragmatically. Developers don't need to have a detailed understanding of the underlying physical elements. By connecting automation tools with HPE OneView, bare-metal infrastructure can be directed the same way as virtual and public cloud resources.

Use case 1 - Day 0 DC/OS Deployment

Here are the steps to provision HPE on DCOS using composable infrastructure for a configuration with:

  • 1 bootstrap node (used to install all nodes)
  • 3 master nodes
  • 2 private agent nodes
  • 1 public agent node

This is described by our Ansible inventory hosts file:

# There is only one bootstrap node  

# Masters should be an odd number  

# There are 2 types of agents, public and private  

# We start with 1 public agent  

# We start with 2 private agents  

# All nodes are either bootstrap, masters, or agents  

The full provisioning of the solution is initiated by running the following command:

ansible-playbook ov_dcos.yml -vvv -e "ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python2.7"

where ov_dcos.yml is the main playbook provided in the solution.

The playbook contains a series of plays:

- name: Install all Physical Nodes  
  hosts: all-nodes  
    ov_osbp: "{{ os_build_plan }}"  
    ov_profile: "{{ ov_template }}"  
  gather_facts: no  
    - hpe-oneview-server  

- name: All nodes are DC/OS Nodes  
  hosts: all-nodes  
  gather_facts: yes  
    - dcos-node  
- name: Collect configuration of nodes  
  hosts: all-nodes  
  gather_facts: yes  
    - name: Link Certificate Authorities # required on CentOS because DC/OS compilation is done on Ubuntu  
      file: src=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt dest=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt state=link  
    - include: tasks/detect-public-ip.yml  

- name: Generate DC/OS Bootstrap  
  hosts: dcos-bootstrap  
  gather_facts: no  
    - include: tasks/bootstrap.yml  

- name: Install DC/OS Masters and Agents  
  hosts: dcos-masters,dcos-agents  
  gather_facts: no  
    - include: tasks/install.yml  

The sequencing of the task in this playbook is the following:

The blue tasks are the ones running on the Ansible machine (localhost) and using the Composable Infrastructure REST API. The grey tasks are Ansible tasks running over SSH on target machines (once provisioned with an OS)

Let's look in more details each of the plays from ov_dcos.yml

- name: Install all Physical Nodes  
  hosts: all-nodes  
    ov_osbp: "{{ os_build_plan }}"  
    ov_profile: "{{ ov_template }}"
  gather_facts: no
    - hpe-oneview-server

This task provisions all nodes in parallel. That is the bootstrap system, the masters and the agents using a hp-oneview-server role. The hpe-oneview-server, provisions a server using HPE OneView and ICsp.

The description of the hpe-oneview-server role is located in the folder ./roles/hpe-oneview-server. The file ./roles/hpe-oneview-server/tasks/main.yml calls ./roles/hpe-oneview-server/tasks/deploy.yml. This role will:

  1. use the group_vars/dcos-bootstrap, group_vars/dcos-masters, group_vars/dcos-private-agents and group_vars/dcos-public-agents for setting group specific variables such as the name of the OneView profile templates to use and ICsp build plan to execute

  2. Create the server profiles in HPE OneView from template provided and assign it to an available server-hardware in our pool of resources (this uses the HPE OneView REST API)

  1. Power the servers on

  2. Register the servers in ICsp, using the iLO IP address (this uses the HPE ICsp REST API)

  3. Pass the network configuration set in group_vars/all to ICsp (stored as ICsp custom properties). (this uses the HPE ICsp REST API)

  4. Deploy the OS on these servers using ICsp, and the OS build plan provided in custom group_vars files (this uses the HPE ICsp REST API)

Notes: The tasks in the hpe-oneview-server role all run on the Ansible Station, as instructed by the deleguate_to: localhost, as illustrated below:

- name: Create Server Profiles  
    config: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../oneview_config.json"  
      server_template: "{{ ov_profile }}"  
      name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"  
  delegate_to: localhost

After this play is finished, all servers have been provisioned, and an SSH key has been installed so that the next play can continue on the target host. The next play is the following:

- name: All nodes are DC/OS Nodes
  hosts: all-nodes  
  gather_facts: yes  
    - dcos-node  

It applies to all-nodes and it uses another custom role called dcos-node which installs all the software prerequisites for DC/OS nodes, independent of the node types. The description of this role in located in /roles/dcos-node and the /roles/dcos-node/tasks/main.yml file describes the different steps:

  1. Installs and configures docker (/roles/dcos-node/tasks/docker.yml)

  2. Installs curl, bash, iputils, tar, xz, unzip, ipset, ntp, ntpdate

  3. Stops the firewall

  4. Starts and enables ntpd

  5. Create a folder for /dcos

Steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 are described in /roles/dcos-node/tasks/dcos-deps.yml

After this task is terminated, all nodes are ready to install DC/OS.

The next step runs against all nodes, and collects public IP addresses using the task: /tasks/detect-public-ip.yml. This script, fetches the public network interface and the public IP of each node, and stores it as Ansible facts (public_iface and public_ip) for the given node:

- name: Collect configuration of nodes  
  hosts: all-nodes  
  gather_facts: yes  
    - name: Link Certificate Authorities # required on CentOS because DC/OS compilation is done on Ubuntu  
      file: src=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt dest=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt state=link
    - include: tasks/detect-public-ip.yml

The script to extract the public IP address is the following:

- name: Set Public Network Interface  
  shell: "ifconfig | grep eno | cut --delimiter=: -f 1"  
  register: if_name  
- set_fact: public_iface={{ if_name.stdout }}  
- name: Detect Public IP
  set_fact: public_ip={{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]\['ansible_' + public_iface]['ipv4']['address'] }}  

- debug: var=public_ip

Once we know the IP layout of the provisioned servers we can start preparing the DC/OS installation on the bootstrap node. This done by a script called /tasks/bootstrap.yml

- name: Generate DC/OS Bootstrap  
  hosts: dcos-bootstrap  
  gather_facts: no  
    - include: tasks/bootstrap.yml

This is use use to generate a DC/OS configuration, based on the IP layout. It also starts a nginx docker container to host the configuration. Once this is finished, the bootstrap node is ready to accept other nodes installation over the URL: We can initiate the last step, which installs masters and agents (in parallel)

- name: Install DC/OS Masters and Agents  
  hosts: dcos-masters,dcos-agents  
  gather_facts: no  
    - include: tasks/install.yml

The tasks /tasks/install.yml expects a variable called node_type set to either master, slave or public_slave. We set this variable in the group_var custom files.

When the playbooks terminates, we can see that it was successful (and it took about 1 hours and 22 minutes to complete):

To validate the configuration we can run the following validation procedure provided by Mesosphere:

  1. Install jq

chmod +x ./jq-linux64
cp jq-linux64 /usr/bin/jq

  1. Retrieve public agents IP addresses

curl -s http://localhost:1050/system/health/v1/nodes | jq -r '.[] | map(select(.role == "agent_public")) | .[].host_ip'

  1. Retrieve private agents IP addresses

curl -s http://localhost:1050/system/health/v1/nodes | jq -r '.[] | map(select(.role == "agent")) | .[].host_ip'

  1. Export those IP and install dig from bind-utils

export SLAVE_HOSTS=,
yum install bind-utils -y

  1. Add test user

source /opt/mesosphere/environment.export
python /opt/mesosphere/active/dcos-oauth/bin/ []
source /opt/mesosphere/active/dcos-integration-test/test_env.export
cd /opt/mesosphere/active/dcos-integration-test

  1. Run validation test

py.test -m 'not ccm'

This should result in the following:

===================== 1 tests deselected by "-m 'not ccm'" =====================
============= 52 passed, 3 skipped, 1 deselected in 372.21 seconds =============

Once this is validated, we can now operate our brand new DC/OS cluster by accessing http://master1/\#/dashboard/ or any of the other masters.

We can also select the Node view to validate our 3 Agents (1 public and 2 private), up and running.

Use case 2 - Adding an Agent node to a live DC/OS cluster

Because the Ansible playbook have been designed to be idempotent (meaning that when run multiple times it will only make the changes to bring the existing configuration on par with the desired state, as described by the inventory hosts file), we can add node in the DC/OS cluster by simply adding new nodes in the hosts file. In our environment, we added an agent4 to the list of private agents:


And reran the same Ansible playbook, and waited for the end of it to refresh the Nodes view. The 4th agent shows up in the node list as a Healthy node.

Use case 3 - Removing an Agent node

We have created a separate playbook to remove an agent from the cluster. This playbooks will operate on nodes listed in the dcos-evicted-agent section at the end of the inventory hosts file:


In our case, we are evicting agent 4. So, we should also remove it from the private agents list of that same hosts file:


Once this is done we can run the following ansible playbook:

ansible-playbook ov_dcos_clean_agent.yml -vvv -e "ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python2.7"

This will first drain all services of all dcos-evicted-agents and then delete the HPE OneView server profiles associated with these nodes and return those resources to the available compute pool of resources.

Use case 4 - Decomposing and returning resources to free pools

We have created another ansible playbook for destroying completely the DC/OS cluster and returning all the compute resources to the free pool of resources. The playbook is called ov_dcos_decompose_all.yml, and it should be invoked (with care) using the following command:

ansible-playbook ov_dcos_decompose_all.yml -vvv -e "ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python2.7"

Notes: Be extremely careful with this playbook as no question is asked and the entire cluster will be deleted

Full infrastructure as code

While for this PoC, we have created the server profile templates in HPE OneView using the GUI, we can also use Ansible and yaml to describe those templates and store them in your prefered code management solution. This is particularly attractive in DevOps environments where it is important that everything be managed as code (including the components of the infrastructure). We have provided an example of Ansible playbook to create a Server Profile Template in HPE OneView called create_server_profile_template.yml. These should be adapted to match the target network configuration.

Proof-of-concept lab environment - Synergy (Phase 2)

Compute resource configuration

HPE assembled a proof-of-concept lab environment for DCOS which consists of 18xSY480 Gen 9 servers in 3 Synergy frames.

Storage configuration

THE HPE servers were configured to use the Synergy Image Streamer for the OS Volume. The test does not include setting up external storage for DC/OS agents.

Network configuration

In this second phase a flat network was used, so all nodes are on the same physical network. So the configuration is slightly simplified. Also an iSCSI network is introduced to support Synergy Image Streamer

HPE Composer configuration

In HPE Composer (OneView) we have created a single Server Profile Template for all nodes with the following details:

  • 1 network connection
  • Server Hardware Type: SY480 Gen9

HPE Image Streamer configuration

We configured Image Streamer to have an OS Deployment Plan

This OS Deployment plan has a number of attributes:

dhcphost and fqdn to pass the hostname and the fully qualified name of the system to provision. MGMT and interface_name to pass the interface used for networking, SSH_CERT1 and SSH_CERT2 for the SSH key used by Ansible.

Notes: This is a temporary workaround as there is a current limitation on the length of a plan attribute.

The OS Deployment Plan is referencing a Golden Image and an OS Build Plan. The OS Build Plan has the steps which will happen to transform a Golden Image into a dedicated OS Volume. In most case this steps are applying changes on the OS Volume, using the input parameters of the Build Plan (hostname, SSH Key).

Image Streamer Golden Image

We created a Golden image for this test, which contains the following:

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.3
  • Yum configured to point to a RHEL7.3 repo

Notes: A similar golden image should be built and referenced by the OS Deployment Plan provided in the artifact bundle of this solution before it can be reused.

Importing the solution artifact bundle

We created an artifact bundle with the following components:

  • 1 x OS build plan
  • 8 x Plan Scripts used by the OS build plan

In order to use this solution, you should:

  1. Download the artifact bundle from Github

  2. Import the artifact bundle into Image Streamer

  3. Extract components from bundle (1 OS Build plan and 8 plan scripts)

  4. Build appropriate golden image following instructions provided by this whitepaper

  5. Create a Deployment Plan which associates the imported OS build plan and the created golden image. Leave all attribute values blank

Use case 1 - Day 0 DC/OS Deployment

We used the same Ansible playbook, but adapted some of the files only when the architecture imposed a different approach. To do this we used a new variable in group_vars/all called HARDWARE_ARCHITECTURE which should be set to either

  • HPE-DL

Then we provided a custom file for each architecture, for example: docker-on-HPE-SYNERGY.yml and docker-on-HPE-CCLASS.yml. Finally within Ansible, we have a single playbook which references: docker-on-{{ HARDWARE_ARCHITECTURE }}.yml

Notes: We provided implementation for HPE-CCLASS and HPE-SYNERGY but not yet HPE-DL.

We also added a few more variables in group_vars/all:

  • INTERFACE_NAME: ens3f4 : hold the name of the interface to be used for public networking (and SSH traffic used by Ansible)

  • DCOS_BOOTSTRAP_URL: 'http://bootstrap.{{ domain_name }}' : holds the fqdn of the bootstrap machine

  • management_network_name: 'Mgmt A' : holds the name of the Management Network in the OneView Server profile

We can invoke the playbook the same way as in Phase 1:

ansible-playbook ov_dcos.yml -vvv -e "ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python2.7"

Provisioning was down from 1h22mn to 36mn using the ImageStream instead of a PXE boot software such as ICsp.

We can now connect to the dashboard of a newly provisioned DC/OS Enterprise Cluster

Notes: Use cases 2 (adding nodes) and 3 (removing agent nodes) was also tested with Synergy, and works exactly the same way as described in Phase 1.


This solution leverages HPE OneView and HPE Composable Infrastructure to provision a Mesosphere DC/OS Cluster, ready to run workload. The solution can provision the cluster from a set of available compute resources in an HPE Composable Infrastructure, in less than 90mn using Ansible (C-Class) and even less than 35 minutes (Synergy and ImageStreamer). The solution is fully automated and consistent, allowing to truly manage your infrastructure as code. The solution can be used as an example to build other solutions.


Ansible provisioning of Mesosphere DC/OS with HPE OneView







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