This repository contains an UIMA-AS deployment example of Stanford CoreNLP UIMA annotator from ClearTK.
- Follow the tutorial in the UIMA-AS README and understand the basics of UIMA-AS command-line tools.
- A running UIMA-AS broker.
mvn install
Above mvn command will also copy all dependency jars to target/dependency folder.
If you don't have a broker running, use following commands to start a broker locally:
cd ./apache-uima-as-2.4.0
Deploy scnlp service to localhost on port 61616:
mvn install && ./
custom deployment with non-default descriptor and broker url
To test the deployed service, try:
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=edu.cmu.lti.oaqa.annotators.scnlp.StanfordCoreNLPExample
Apache 2.0