A simple and lightweight package manager written in Lua (currently only for Linux).
The purpose of this package manager is to allow packages to be distributed in Lua scripts in a simple way, allowing binaries to be distributed or compiled directly from source code.
some packages: core-pkgs (Linux)
- Uses URL patterns to obtain packages, allowing the use of an API and raw files in repositories.
- Supports package search (API and GitHub by default).
- Maintains different versions of a single package.
- No sudo needed.
- Simplified self-hosting of repositories (documentation pending).
- install script
- GitLab search
- Git repo search
- Metadata search
- Doc for self-hosting
- Write specifications.
- Improving dependency management.
- Makedepends
Install script
Download the latest version at: latest
Lua script
You can use the package manager without compiling.git clone https://github.com/Diogo-ss/pkger.git
cd pkger
luarocks make --only-deps --lua-version=5.4 --local
eval "$(luarocks path --bin)"
lua src/main.lua --help
git clone https://github.com/Diogo-ss/pkger.git
cd pkger
luarocks make --only-deps --lua-version=5.4 --local
eval "$(luarocks path --bin)"
luarocks install luastatic
./bin/pkger --help
A simple script to install Neovim in version 0.9.5 (binary)
name = "neovim"
description = "Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability"
homepage = "https://neovim.io"
license = "Apache-2.0"
manteiners = "Diogo-ss"
version = "0.9.4"
url = "https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/v${{ version }}/nvim-linux64.tar.gz"
bin = "bin/nvim"
checkver = {
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/neovim/neovim/releases/latest",
jsonpath = "tag_name",
regex = "[Vv]?(.+)",
function install()
system("mv * ..")