Implementation of our own version of the math.h library.
No. | Function | Description |
1 | int s21_abs(int x) |
Computes absolute value of an integer value |
2 | long double s21_acos(double x) |
Computes arc cosine |
3 | long double s21_asin(double x) |
Computes arc sine |
4 | long double s21_atan(double x) |
Computes arc tangent |
5 | long double s21_ceil(double x) |
Returns the nearest integer not less than the given value |
6 | long double s21_cos(double x) |
Computes cosine |
7 | long double s21_exp(double x) |
Returns e raised to the given power |
8 | long double s21_fabs(double x) |
Computes absolute value of a floating-point value |
9 | long double s21_floor(double x) |
Returns the nearest integer not greater than the given value |
10 | long double s21_fmod(double x, double y) |
Remainder of the floating-point division operation |
11 | long double s21_fuctorial(long long int x) |
Computes factorial of x. |
12 | long double s21_log(double x) |
Computes natural logarithm |
13 | long double s21_pow_int(double base, long long int exp) |
Raises a number to the given power. |
14 | long double s21_pow(double base, double exp) |
Raises a number to the given power |
15 | long double s21_sin(double x) |
Computes sine |
16 | long double s21_sqrt(double x) |
Computes square root |
17 | long double s21_tan(double x) |
Computes tangent |
No. | Function | Description |
1 | S21_PI |
PI number |
2 | S21_NAN |
Implementation of nan |
3 | S21_INF_POS |
Positive infinity |
4 | S21_INF_NEG |
Negative infinity |
5 | S21_LN2 |
Value of natural logarithm of 2 |
6 | S21_E |
Euler’s Number |
7 | S21_IS_NAN(x) |
Expands to (x != x) |
8 | S21_IS_INF(x) |
Expands to (x == S21_INF_NEG || x == S21_INF_POS) |
To start build you need to move to ./src
cd ./src
Build static lib s21_math.a into
dirmake all
make s21_math.a
Build and run tests for lib
make test
Generate lib code coverage by tests into
dirmake gcov_report
Clean project
make clean