This project is a test automation framework utilizing the Cucumber BDD approach combined with a Hybrid framework model to test the UI of the Opencart ecommerce application and automated the process of testing using CI tools (Jenkins).
- Project Setup : Apache Maven
- BDD Tool : Cucumber
- Automation Tool : Selenium WebDriver
- Data-driven Testing Framework : Scenario Outline (a feature of Cucumber)
- Object Repository Design Pattern: Page Factory
- Test Execution Report : Extent Report, Cucumber Report
- Logging Framwork : Log4j2
- Passing parameter to scenarios : Parameterization
- Plain text Language : Gherkin
- Continuous Integration Tool : Jenkins
Before running the tests,
- Ensure you have the following installed:
- Java (JDK 8 or higher)
- Apache Maven
- Jenkins
- Ensure you have the following dependency:
- Cucumber-testNG
- Cucumber-java
- ExtentReports
- Log4j (log4j-api and log4j-core)
- Selenium-java
- Clone the repository using "git clone "
- Run "mvn clean test"