$ git clone https://github.com/Divya063/ELK_filebeat_deployment.git
$ cd ELK_filebeat_deployment
$ docker-compose up
To check the kibana dashboard head over to localhost:5601 and apply filter { container.name : python_app }
, logs from python application will be visible there. Elasticsearch will be available at the url localhost:9200.
Kibana Dashboard
kompose is a tool which takes a Docker Compose file and translates it into Kubernetes resources.
$ brew install Kompose
Installation instructions for other platforms are provided here.
To convert the docker-compose.yml file to files that we can use with kubectl, run kompose convert
and then kubectl apply -f <output file>
$ kompose convert --volumes hostPath
WARN Ignoring user directive. User to be specified as a UID (numeric).
INFO Kubernetes file "elasticsearch-service.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "kibana-service.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "app-deployment.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "elasticsearch-deployment.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "filebeat-deployment.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "kibana-deployment.yaml" created
Then use kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl apply -f filebeat-deployment.yaml
deployment.apps/filebeat configured
After deploying the service head over to Kubernetes dashboard to check for the status.
Kubernetes dashboard
To access the kibana and elasticsearch instance, do port forwarding.
$ kubectl get pods --namespace=default ─╯
app-79fb66779-l8gmv 1/1 Running 1 7h36m
elasticsearch-587cf4b694-mxbbk 1/1 Running 0 6h42m
filebeat-58d44cc6b7-8j2fd 1/1 Running 0 55m
kibana-cb8ffcf65-fshfp 1/1 Running 0 6h40m
# For elasticsearch
$ kubectl port-forward elasticsearch-587cf4b694-mxbbk 9200:9200 --namespace=default
Forwarding from -> 9200
Forwarding from [::1]:9200 -> 9200
# For Kibana
$ kubectl port-forward kibana-cb8ffcf65-fshfp 5601:5601 --namespace=default
Forwarding from -> 5601
Forwarding from [::1]:5601 -> 5601
Handling connection for 5601
Head over to localhost:5601 and apply filter {container.labels.io_kubernetes_container_name:python-app}
, logs from python application will be visible there. Elasticsearch will be available at the url localhost:9200.