This project aims to build a distributed cloud application that utilizes Platform as a Service (PaaS) components and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to perform real-time face recognition on videos captured by the devices. This is partly an application of Edge Computing, which is a form of computing that is done near where the data is sourced, minimizing the need to be processed in a remote data center. This project specifically uses Raspberry Pi based IoT, AWS services such as Lambda, the first Function as a Service (FaaS) platform which facilitates serverless computing, as well as S3 and DynamoDB for storage needs, and Docker Engine for creating containers.
- Create an S3 bucket (we used ‘cc-project-videos’ as the bucket name’) to upload every 0.5-second video from Raspberry Pi.
Create a DynamoDB table with ‘label’ as the partition key (we created a table named ‘student_table’).
The items under the ‘label’ attribute should match the labels obtained from the machine learning model.
Add other student information such as name, major, and year to the table.
Build the docker image using the command given below specifying the AWS parameters which will be used to access AWS services like S3 and DynamoDB.
docker build -t my_container --build-arg AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1" --build-arg AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your_id" --build-arg AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your_key" .
To test the docker image locally without deploying to lambda:
- Run the docker image locally in a command prompt using the command:
docker run --rm -p 9000:8080 my_container
- Then, invoke the lambda function locally by using http post requests targeted to the URL specified below, passing a test image as the body. A sample test method is given in in the project files.
- Run the docker image locally in a command prompt using the command:
Upload the created Docker image to Amazon ECR.
Create a Lambda function in AWS console using the docker image from the ECR repository.
Increase the Memory Configuration of Lambda for faster processing.
Create an API gateway(REST) and use that as a trigger for the lambda function.
Enable Lambda Proxy integration.
Include 'image/jpeg' as Binary Media Type under the Settings tab.
Flash the Raspbian OS onto an SD card using a Raspberry Pi Imager and install it to the Raspberry device.
Connect Raspberry Pi to a monitor using HDMI and use peripheral devices to boot up the device and connect it to a WiFi network (or use serial connection to do the same).
Set up an SSH server on the device and use a laptop to connect to the device from thereon.
Copy the file to Raspberry Pi and execute the file by giving arguments for the video time interval and total duration in seconds (e.g., python 0.5 300)